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When it comes to farming in World of Warcraft, there are two main approaches to consider: camping and farming.

Camping involves waiting in a specific zone for a rare mob or chest to spawn, and can take anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes. This method can be more time-effective than farming, but also carries the risk of not finding the item you are looking for.

Farming, on the other hand, involves actively seeking out and collecting specific items over a longer period of time, usually around an hour. While it takes more time, farming can be a more reliable way to acquire items and sell them for gold.

Another aspect to consider is crafting. While crafting takes less time than farming, it does require an initial investment of gold in order to create items to sell. It can be a good way to make your existing gold work for you, but also carries the risk of losing your investment if the items do not sell as well as expected.

When it comes to selling items on the auction house, the timing of your auctions can be just as important as the items themselves. The best times to relist auctions are between 6am and 9am, and 8pm to 10pm. This can save you time and increase your chances of making successful sales.


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