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(TSM Not – Included / Worthit and Worthit guides)

What Addons Do I Need To Make Gold?

This is a common question for people starting out with gold making,

and one I am happy to provide an answer for,

so today we will be going over the 10 Best Gold Making Addons,

Let, Us, Begin.

[1] Rarescanner

Starting off, this video will not contain TSM, WorthIt or WorthIt Guides, due to the WorthIt's being ones I work on, removing any bias I may have. Along with TSM which is the pinnicle Gold Making Addon and is very well known.

So for Number 1, We have the Addon Rarescanner,

This addon will notify you when you are in close proximity to either a Rare, Event and Treasures in the open world.

This is nicely displayed upon your World Map and can be used to farm Rares for for there Loot which is something I will tend to do quite a lot of and this can provide the necessary information displayed on my screen on weather the NPC has spawned or not.

Along with this it can be also used with gold making for farm Treasure Chests which is a common method on farming high value Transmog and with it being displayed on my map I can see the spawn location making it easier to find these treasure in a much more efficient manor.

[2] Rematch TSMPetValues

Coming in at number 2 we have the addon Rematch TSMPetValues,

This addon comes in conjunction to the main addon Rematch which is also included.

This addon is great for gold making in regards to Battle Pets.

This will display the value of all sellable battle pets in your pet journal making it so you are able to make an informed decision weather or not to sell these battle pets or not.

This also shows the value for battle pets you have not collected which is perfect for farming for high value pets in game.

I use this mainly to find which battle pets I should specificity farm for and once I should not bother with and has provided quite a large amount of value towards myself as a gold maker.

[3] Rarity

Next up at number 3, we have the addon Rarity.

This addon is one of the most handy addons for collecting and gold making, along with one that I use quite a lot.

Rarity tracks all rare drops within the game, this can be notable farmed items for gold farming, Battle Pets from rare mobs and also Mounts from these specific mobs.

This will also track how many attempts you have made towards obtaining said item from a specific NPC and I tend to use this when farming for high value battle pets and to gauge my progress towards Active Gold Making.

[4] Gathermate2

Following onto this at number 4, is an oldie but a goodie.

This is Gathermate2 along with Gathermate2Data

These addons are a staple method of gold farming and can provide amazing insights towards your own farming progression.

This addon will allow you to track nodes you have already farmed along with importing specific node locations in the open world.

You are able to use this to see node locations for Mining, Herbalism, Gas Clouds, Treasures, Digsites and Fishing Pools.

This is great for farming in the open world for a number of key factors and is an addon that I would always recommend to new gold farmers.

[5] Executive Assistant

Coming in at number 5, we have the addon Executive Assistant.

This addon is my go to for tracking everything in game.

As I am able to create my own task lists which I can set for refreshing daily, weekly and manually to say just a few.

This addon is definitely for the well organised gold maker and we even loved it so much we integrated this into our addon WorthIt which you can track your farms.

I love this addon and urge anyone who wants to keep organised to use this moving forward for efficient gold making.

[6] FarmHud

Coming in at number 6, we have FarmHud,

This addon is for the active gold farmers, mainly for gathering materials such as herbs and ore.

This will turn your minimap into a centred Hud on your screen making so you are able to effectively farm materials and follow route more precisely.

Though, I must say, this does take so time getting used to in my own experience but after the beginner faze is over you will find yourself being much more adapt with using this for open world farming.

[7] TomTom

Next up and an General Addon which Everyone should be using is, TomTom.

This addon is your own in game, SatNav where you are able to type slash coordinates into the chat and be directed to the location.

This is such a handy addon and throughout the years I have used it for farm mobs, track spawn locations and much more.

It is wise to think that most people have this addon but for just the off chance of some that have not, please get this addon to make it easier for yourself as this is one of the best addons for getting around and tracking specific locations.

[8] Routes

Coming in at number 8, we have the Addon Routes,

This addon will allow you to create Routes in Game, which then can be displayed on your Map and Minimap.

Needless to say that this is an addon that is a must! For gold farming Materials and one I use quite a lot.

I remmeber back, when you had memorise farming routes and funny enough I still remember a lot of them.

This addon helps it so you can stay on track and you can focus on the farming session at hand.

[9] Route Import Export

In addition to this at number 9, I would be remissed if I did not mention. Routes Import Export.

This addon allows you to Export your own routes in game but also import others farming routes.

This is a helpful addon and allows other gold farmers to share there own routes with each other in an effective manor.

[10] All The Things

Lastly and To Round this list up, is the addon,

All The Things,

This is a must have addon for pretty much everyone as it Tracks all Collections and Account Information.

If you are a farming or even just collecting I have found this addon to be invaluable when it comes to my day to day and as such I would strongly urge everyone to at least give it a go if you have not already.



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