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In the World of Gold Making, this words makes me think some of the most notable People over the years and some people I have admired in this space.

So today we will be going over,  3 Legendary Gold Makers Lost To Time

Let, Us, Begin.

[1] Oldbess

Back in Warlords of Dreanor, I came across a channel, which would later go into becoming one of the reasons I chose to start this channel.

This Gold Maker was, OldBess,

I remember coming back from Night shifts completely shattered and then sitting down for that brief moment, watching a good Oldbess video.

I really got ingrained with the Mop based farm he used to talk about and remember how the gold farms every time and without fail would work for me.

With the amount of polish and the effort put into one video really brought the love of gold making together, which then further brought forward to me wanting to make my own channel.

I think it is wise to remember the people who paved the way and in my opinion Oldbess did just that, opening the door to other gold makers and with his content, really encapsulated the essence of gold making.

[2] WoWHobbs

Another gold maker that springs to mind and if you played rather Wrath back in the day, you would remember his Iconic Scarlet Monastery Video.

Titled, WoW Hobbs Massive Gold and Power Levelling in World of Warcraft at Scarlet Monastery,

Now for a video that is over 14 years old and 2.7 Million views,

Even watching this now reminds me of being that sweaty teens, sitting in my room playing the game from when I woke up to went to sleep.

And brings back some fond memories of when I tried and failed to do the same thing as him.

Gold Making was not as popular as it is now and I remember WowHobbs quite fondly, walking me through how he makes gold and how I could do it too.

So with using the Aouctionieer Addon and with my Naxx 25 Geared Holy Paladin,

I did just that, and released my first every video, which is still found online, but good luck finding it !

However, it is wise to say that WowHobbs was one of OG Gold Makers, and it makes me appreciate how the space has developed over the years.

[3] Tarou WoW Guides

Now comes in the King of gold farming, the one that was litrally the best farmer of materials,

And i'm Talking of course about, Tarou WoW Guides,

back in the day, gold farming was quite difficult, we did not have these fancy addons to do farming.


We had to look at a picture of a map which a route was drawn on with MSPaint,

and you had to tab in and out of the game to follow the gold farming route,

Tarou, had it all, he would post how to level your profession effectively along with his own farming routes for note just one route and one zone but multiple route and every zone,

He covered it all, to this day I still go to his channel to see old routes for materials as you know that all of those route where thoughtfully gone through to maximise materials gained per hour.

Tarou is one of the quintessential Gold Makers and one of the first content creators that popularised gold making for me and many others.


So in conclusion and in my opinion,

These 3 Gold Makers OldBess, WowHobbs and Tauro paved the way forward,

For gold making today, and I can look back fondly of these creators and how much they gave to the community as a whole,

and such we should never forget these gold makers.



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