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Hi everybody! 

I've had a big deadline this month and between that, taxes, traveling already for The Glass Town Game  even though it's not out till September, and everything else under the sun, I've been slow to get to this month's rewards. 


How would this Saturday work for this month's Google Hangout? And perhaps Sunday night for the live-tweet of My Little Pony: Adventures in the Crystal Kingdom?

The month's excerpt will go up in a day or two and the experiment will appear as if by literary teleporter toward the end of the month. 

How is everyone else doing with the advent of spring?


Elou Carroll

I might be able to do this Saturday, possibly. Would depend entirely on the time. It's my partner's grandad's birthday and a shindig is happening. Spring is not being very kind thus far. But I have hope that it might pick up. Maybe.

Jeremy Brett

Spring has sprung down here, thanks for asking. Enjoy safe travels, Catherynne.