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Greetings, mad fictioneers!

Due to the crushing gravitational weight of an unmet deadline, I've been a bit slow to get to some of the rewards this month. I'm sorry! When you expect the sentient denouement goo to bubble quickly and it decides it would much rather have a good long think about the nature of life in an Erlenmeyer flask before getting around to critical temperature, everything else in the Lab starts piling up. But! We do not let little things like time being finite and linear and stubbornly lunkheaded get in our way.

The experiment and recipe will be going up tonight, though possibly somewhat late. I'll be live-tweeting My Little Pony sometime next week and running a new poll to choose the next victim afterward. We had a lot of trouble finding a good time for the April Q&A when everyone could meet, so please leave a comment here with some point in the next week that would work for you. 

Onwards and upwards and toward the boiling point!


Elou Carroll

Oddly, this is my busiest week of the month. If you find a date that works for everyone, I'll sit this one out. :)