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A post catching you all up on Laboratory plans for the rest of the month is incoming, but in the meantime, I wanted to let you all know that after extensive simulations conducted by the Denizens that resulted in almost no workplace accidents* we have added a new goal here in the Laboratory!

If we can get to the $2500 mark, every month, using highly scientific methods (an improbably large dartboard and the enthusiastic assistance of the Sentient Robotic Arm Who Hangs Around But No One Is Exactly Sure Of Their Origin Or Motives) one Patron (anyone, regardless of your patronage dollar amount) will be chosen to receive a TEST SUBJECT FIELD OPERATIVE REWARD PACKAGE.

This will consist of a SIGNED COPY of one of my books, and whatever other goodies the laboratory has lying around that month. At the moment, your odds of winning would be a mere 305 to 1. Compared to say, the 139,983,816 to 1 of winning big in the actual lottery.

So, tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbor. Of course, you may need to explain to your neighbor who I am, what Patreon is, and possibly even introduce yourself for the first time, but consider it a community building exercise!

* Fizzsprinkle, the mutant cupcake-champagne golem claims to have lost several sprinkles, but she is never entirely sure how many she had to begin with so this is currently under review by HR.

Infographic source: http://blog.oskoui-oskoui.com/?p=7322



Nicholas Kotar

Where did you get that Millennium Falcon meme? I love it!

Catherynne M. Valente

Thanks! And glad you asked, I'll edit the post and add in a credit. <a href="http://blog.oskoui-oskoui.com/?p=7322" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://blog.oskoui-oskoui.com/?p=7322</a>


Love that Millennium Falcon meme!!!!! I love Star Wars!!!