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By ONE VOTE, you have decreed far and wide that I shall go hence unto Wal-Mart, stick my hand in thebargain DVD bin, shut my eyes, and live-tweet whatever I pull out! 


But I am also island-bound, because the blizzard has shut down ferry service and you can't get across the stormy water for love nor money. The Lab is hunkered down, the megapups are pouring wine into their dog bowls, the cats are trying to hide the Ultimate Snowstorm Cannon they built in the bathtub behind their scratching post, and the boiler won't even talk to me. There's a sign that says I CAN'T WORK UNDER THESE CONDITIONS YOU'LL BE HEARING FROM MY AGENT on the basement door.

So I will head out to the Mart of Walls this weekend when there is a boat again and the streets have been plowed. 

I'm looking at Sunday night, 7:30 pm EST for commencement of tweets? I will Storify them afterward and link that here, so if you can't follow along in real time, don't worry.

The first Experiment will post at the end of the week, and I'll be holding the first Google Hangout Q&A sometime next week for our Mad Post Doc Students. If you have a day/time that would work best for you, please comment! We'll also be scheduling the first Writing Date for our Partners in Wordcrime next week.

It's all happening! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. It means more than you'll ever know. 


Jeremy Brett

Oh, THIS is gonna be good.....