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Hey guys!

So I'm going to have to push the Wal-Mart trip and the other March rewards until the middle of the week--just a few days, I promise!--because I have to turn in a book on Monday and if I do not I will be in trouble, so I have to bunker down and make those space-flamingoes dance. 

I will need to sleep forever on Tuesday, so I'll be excursioning to the DVD bin Wednesday!

How does everyone feel about Saturday afternoon for the Google Hangout Q & A?

To make up for it, I'm going to post a little excerpt (next post) from what I'm working on and make it available to all you patrons, not just the ones who get to see sneak-peeks at their level. Thanks for being patient! It's my first month and I'm still getting the hang of everything also space is a harsh mistress. 


Marzie Kaifer

Deadlines and need for sleep definitely sound like things that must be attended to.

Jeremy Brett

Hey, you need sleep. Rest and we'll always be here when you have the time.