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Hullo, all!

Here is your space for chatting with each other, checking in, ranting about whatever, bragging about the little accomplishments and big ones, staking claims on the best dinosaur, anything you like to feel a little more connected.

How is everyone holding up?


Paul Emily Ryan

I'm feeling pretty good, but also pretty weird. I went back to my parents' house St Patrick's Weekend and have been there ever since - everyone's essentially fine, my sister and I are working from home, my parents still have to go to work but it's been set up that my mum doesn't see many people and it sounds like my dad's workplace is doing a good job of keeping things in check. My company insists on doing these "we're all in this together" calls every so often. I don't listen in on most of them; it's not the kind of solidarity I'm into. My team's been doing movie nights and occasional games during the week though. Those have been fun. And I'm doing my best to keep up some of the routines I had when all this wasn't going on. I'm still a bit surprised and concerned by how well I've been handling this. The last comparable world event left me needing a new middle name to come through it; haven't had to do anything like that now. I think what it is is that this time it feels like there are things I can do to control it. Washing my hands, staying at home, being there for people who need me. Though I worry that I'm not managing my feelings well enough. I've mostly been staying calm but I don't trust myself not to have just fallen right into aloofness instead. It also helps that I'm in a country that at least seems like it's committed to keeping the rate of infection and death down instead of one that's run by an economic death cult. Or just right wingers. (I ambiently worry about the UK and the US in waves. There's a sweet spot where it's not driving you out of your head and preventing you from managing your own life but you're also not apathetic about it, and I don't think I've managed to reach that.) Other than that, like I said things are fine! ...But weird. For a bunch of reasons it feels like it's all happening around me, which I guess it is, and which I guess a lot of life can be like. Things just happening around you. I've gotten over it now, but it felt a bit rich seeing people talk about All This Free Time! when I did most of my reading on my commute or during exercise (long story). And it still irks when my family now crowds into the living room every evening and there's someone sitting next to me who can see what I might be doing. My world's gotten smaller; figuratively and literally. (I did get back into Kakuro though. That's been nice.) There's a lot of pontificating and lamenting and latent authoritarianism in the air, and even pointing that out feels deeply rude. Not to mention being a closeted queer person back at home with her small-c conservative parents, which is fun. Like I'm flying ever closer to the sun the way I've thrown this middle name around. (My sister isn't as bad, but she's complicated. Then again I like to think I am too even if I'm probably not.) That all said, I'm surviving. I miss coffee, and getting out, but I'm surviving. I'd like to be back living where I was, but the way things are this is where I need to be. Work hasn't actually changed all that much, and while it's thrown my Masters for a loop, the university has adjusted to compensate and this period wasn't going that great in any case, so... *shrugs?* I'm a bit worried that my parents are going to resist me moving back out once that starts being encouraged again (they've wanted me to move for months with the idea that I'll somehow be able to rent/buy an apartment/house near here, in this economy), but not that worried, even if it didn't feel incredibly petty to think that. Without getting caught up in grand pronouncements of what's Really Important (which is nearly always apparently stuff the person talking likes and never stuff that they don't like), right now there's enough continuity to make things manageable. It's not (all) about me; things could be a lot worse, and unquestionably are a lot worse for a whole lot of people.

Paul Emily Ryan

As well as all that though I had a call yesterday from someone who I've been friends with online for years but had literally never spoken to before (with my voice I mean, it wasn't a one-way friendship :D), and that was unexpectedly good. :)

Amy Bergen

I've only just now realized this is here. What a lovely idea to check in. I think that like many, I'm doing a large amount of trauma-baking, and brewing of alcoholic goodness. I have had to branch out into digital socializing methods in a way I never did before. After many years of avoiding the big FB, I'm now there too. BUT, among all this I'm more in touch with interesting people I know or am getting to know select ones better. I'm one of the lucky ones who is still employed, so that gives me focus and purpose. And I'm engaging more in places like this, so its not all bad.