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Well guys Journey Across Japan: The Lost Islands is officially here!

In the first insane episode we flew over Japan's most active volcano, threw Natsuki in a waterfall (and lost his beloved pants) and even saw a goat.

If that's not quality content, I don't know what is.

And the first of the five part, Patreon behind the scenes series is now available to watch, featuring a ton of hilarious outtakes, deleted scenes that we couldn't fit in and a cheeky making of commentary.

JAJ: Lost Islands | Episode One (Patreon Exclusive)

🌋 Watch: https://youtu.be/Zor0WXz82NE

(IMPORTANT NOTE: At 13:54 Natsuki looks naked, but don't worry he's wearing skin coloured swimming trunks!

I hope you enjoyed the episode! Honestly, the response has been above and beyond what we expected and it's an exciting start to the series. The best is still yet to come!

The next episode will be out this weekend, involving a stunning hot spring, a city of igloos and a rap song that'll blow your minds.

But for now enjoy the video and let me know your thoughts on the highs and lows of the first episode of the Lost Islands!



Journey Across Japan: The Lost Islands | Episode 1: Nightmare at 10,000 Feet (Patreon Exclusive)

To confront my worsening fear of flying, Joey decides we should get in a plane and fly over Japan's most active volcano. But did it help? Featuring tons of outtakes and deleted scenes with behind the scenes commentary on what really happened during filming!



Abroad in Japan? More like Awesome in Japan. Loved the episode Chris!


hardest worker on YouTube? jeez Chris I can't imagine doing a BTS on top of the actual series

Peter Varga

this is what I'm here for!! thank you Chris and gang :)


Really enjoyed the episode Chris! The production quality was amazing and the video over all was a fun watch. It might honestly be your best work yet; flawless job


Awesome first episode! Can't wait for the next one!


Haha thanks! Even I was surprised how well it all turned out - though there was one glaring editing mistake in the video (a visual error). But I'm not telling you where it is! 🤫

Andrew G. Hughes

It was epic... I was completely lost in it like I was actually there. Natsuki losing his pants... I laughed so hard. Poor guy finally gets a break from work and Chris pushes him in a water fall 🤣 Great Job as always!


Loved the first episode! I think this could be the most epic of all the JaJ series. In fact, I can't think of any travel series (on YT or elsewhere) that was so well-produced and entertaining. Great job!

Joshua Mannix

Whats time sink in editing these behind the scenes versus the standard episodes?


I love how the info on how you came up with this and how you're all connected to it somehow actually sets the scene for the whole trip. Gives it more of a story feeling.


Fantastic episode Chris, can already tell the series is gonna be my favourite. I highly look forward to behind the scenes


The wait was worth the content Mr Abroad in a Pan... And the fact that us patreons get double the content with the exclusive videos is even better. Can't wait for the next video, I consume them as fast as an addict would his paycheck (kinda dark but true)


Loved the episode! The three of you together is just hilarious 😂And gotta love Natsuki!


Awesome. My birthday is coming up and I've decided what I want. Natsuki doing a wing walk would be the greatest thing ever

Nynke de Haas

Glad to hear that Natsuki actually lost his pants and that wasn't staged (I mean, a little sad about the resulting microplastic waste but it does help to retain a sense of wonder about the world!) And I really enjoyed the episode as well as this BTS. Good luck with your continued editing efforts!


Just wanted to say how grateful I am for your work, kudos!


Watched the main video on YouTube, such good quality shots! Looking forward to watch this behind the scenes!


Absolutely great Video Chris, I must say i was very surprised to see my challenge being read out. I do think you should of made Joe and Natsuki try harder to catch your dinner though.


Can't beat the trio of you, Joey and Natsuki. Just need to get Pete Donaldson to join along to top it all off!


Becoming Chris' Patreon... totally worth it! The main video on YouTube was beautifully shot and fun to watch. The behind the scenes vid gives great insides, loved it as well. I totally enjoy watching your content. I'm excited to see what's about to come next!


Thank you very much for the video, Chris! I'm enjoying this series!


loved this so much, and you definitely walk away from the top gear style contrivencies and more in to a documentary of actual mates having an adventure

Samuel Clements

Such a good episode, really great to have another JAJ! Impressive production value too - it looked incredible.

Satomi Arihara

This series is going to reach a high degree of perfection!


Many Thanks to you kind Sir! Loved the Video! That planeride is now on my personal journey across japan list. Can't wait for what's to come!


Mmmm Natsuki soup


Thank you Chris and friends for a great youtube series and podcast. I've recently become a supporter. I had found your videos quite by chance during yet another lockdown and when i was looking at videos on the anniversary of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. I found your videos touching, thoughtful and beautifully approached. As lockdown came upon us and missing friends became a real torture, your videos were like an antidote to that pain. You were a delight to watch as well as follow your antics with your friends. This new series is the highlight of my week and i look forward to many more. Thank you for it all.

Leo the seal

This is quality content


You are the only channel I supported here in Patreon and I'm glad I did. I really have fun watching your videos. Your humor is the best!!!! and I love Natsuki. He is sooo funny! Love you Chris! :)


Really enjoyed this episode


Is there even such a thing as " seeing too much of Natsuki"?

Leah Webber

Wait, so Natsuki's pants really DID go missing? Okay, I'm laughing really hard now. I thought for sure that was embellishment. Poor Natsuki!


Such a good opening episode and eventful as always! Said it in the Youtube comments, but happy JAJ is back for another season. I'm especially glad this time it's double the length of the previous 2 series! Felt like it was ready for TV, haha. I can't believe Natsuki's pants didn't float up!? The best part was easily Bon Jovi Natsuki and you pushing him in the falls!


You mean we don't get to see Natsuki naked, then what the hell am I paying for 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You 3 enlighten my day !


Every time I think the quality of your videos can’t get any better my expectations are exceeded! Especially the beginning was amazing, that scene where Natsuki smokes his cigarette in this bluish light looks incredible! I love to be able to be a liiiittle part of that as a Patron 💜


Cannot wait till next week, after another strong start to another JAJ!


I couldn't believe my eyes when you pushed Natsuki over to the water! Jajajaj God that was so funny and confusing


I really enjoy all your content and also all the behind the scenes and extra content here on patreon. Certainly worth the few bucks! Already looking forward to next weeks episode.


The pants look like they slowly got pulled along the bottom of the water towards the waterfall. Probably just a slight undercurrent, since a waterfall is basically just a big, continuous wave.


The first episode was absolutely amazing and this behind the scenes video was just cherry on top!! can't wait for the rest of the series! great job!


While in Japan for the rugby world Cup in 2019, we flew down to Kagoshima after following your original JAJ series. Loved exploring Sakurajima. We hired a car and had to pay extra for not returning it on time! But had I known we could have flown over, 😳 WOW.. the views looked incredible!! 🥰🥰 The diddy, wee shoogly plane... not so sure!! 🙈

Laura Beaumont

Excellent first episode! So many great moments. Natsuki’s Bon Jovi bath singing cracked me up for some reason. So goofy. 😆 The volcano flight was incredible! The thought had crossed my mind “what if there’s too much smoke and the pilot passes out?!” Too scary haha! You guys did it though and the footage was jaw dropping!! Can’t wait to hear this rap song now! 🙌🏻

Astor Reinhardt

Oh cool, that hot spring in the ocean looks really awesome lol. Shame you went late at night!

Barbara Smith

My favorite part of episode one: pushing Natsuki into the waterfall, but I do love seeing all the stuff about the JAJ series, both the episodes and the behind the scenes footages. I can't wait for the next episode to come out ^_^


So many funny bloopers haha. But damn, I still cant get over the obscene quality of the footage and the quality of literally everything. What camera were you using the whole time? Was it a Sony A7S iii??

Dane Barnes

The episode was awesome, idk how a network hasn't picked you up for some Japan documentary series or something. Footage is phenomenal. The forest looked gorgeous. Glad Natsuki could take a holiday from work, the man deserves it!


Even the bloopers are pro quality! 👏👏👏 Hope your fear of flying subsides, honestly several things about that flight could be helpful 1 you were squished in, similar to having a weighted blanket which can be helpful. And with safety of friends, Did you grab Joey’s knee? 😄 . 2 the nasty fumes may have been helpful also, stimulating different brain chemicals than the fear response. 3 relaxing and actually enjoying it before it was over- very helpful - getting back on the horse as they say. But I guess we will address that in earnest on day 3 😉. Next flight home, that memory of this flight should be your focus. And remember turbulence is not dangerous to airplanes. Airplanes are designed to handle all types of turbulent air and withstand conditions much worse than they will ever encounter. It just feels scary. It’s mostly dangerous to occupants who get tossed or hit by debris flying around the cabin so keep that seatbelt on. ( my hubby designs aircraft and I have worked in incident reporting at the FAA. It’s fine. Fear not ) if we ever meet we will tell you a few stories. Stress tip for your next flight, buy a stiff nail cleaning brush (should be available in nail care care section of stores like Don Quixote ). Take it with you and brush across the ends of your fingers right at your nails, back and forth as needed. It stimulates the same calming brain chemicals as biting your fingernails but on multiple fingers at once and without the damage to nails or nail beds. Effective method to stop nail biting too, if anyone here struggles with that, keep a small one in your pocket. Don’t get too aggressive just gentle back and forth.


2 videos for the price of 1, yes i agree with the comment above, even the outtakes is good! hahahahaha


Everything about this episode was fantastic.


Watching the outtakes really drives home how much love and care you put into these videos to get them just right. An awesome start to the series!

John Leitch

its fun watching natsuki's shenanigans 🤪


Awesome video and looking forward to the rest! Glad to hear you are overcoming that fear of flight! All us pilots want everyone to enjoy the magic that is Aviation.


During my last trip we were in one of the hot springs in the sea of Yakushima, was quite a fun experience (obviously without the storm :) ). It was also in the middle of the night, quite fun there although not empty, always 2-3 locals in the water


Dang, ever since the first journey across Japan, the excitement that I get from watching a new adventure is still strong and it leaves with me a lasting impression that I still have a long way to go with my own adventures, and im glad that you are here to bring me along in this new one!


Absolute gold. JAJ is like a magic


I can not believe the quality. Lesson for all in self-development and persistence; nihon-jin rashi jha-nai.


When will episode 2 be out??


Production quality is incredible! Also... Anyone else think Chris looks particularly Elon in this video? 😂


i cant fucking wait for more episode 2 just came out a few hours ago and i want to see the the behind the scenessss


These specials are like the old top gear specials. So excited to see what happens and the content all the time


I wish they were as long as the Top Gear specials. Those things were full of content.