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Before I get into it, I just want to say hello and welcome to everyone who’s recently joined the Abroad in Patreon in the run up to Journey Across Japan: The Lost Islands!

This community has been a big part of Abroad in Japan since 2016, and many great ideas have been born here from Natsuki:The Movie and Journey Across Japan, to countless videos and documentaries.

We’ve got over 50+ amazing exclusive videos already on here, the best of which you can find on this hit list:

A big thank you for your support guys and hopefully the episodes on there will keep you busy until next weekend when JAJ: The Lost Islands get underway.


It’s hard to believe there was point when City Pop wasn’t in my life, given I’ve listened to it pretty much every day for 5 years now.

I can’t remember the first time I discovered it, whether someone sent me a link or if I stumbled across it myself; an entire genre of forgotten music from the 80’s resurfacing online and quickly gaining popularity.

City pop (シティ・ポップ) took off in the late 70’s and become popular in the 80’s with the booming Japanese economy, an affluent middle class, and the rapid adoption of portable music players like the Sony Walkman.

For me I associate it with funk music and when I listen I feel as though I’ve been transported back to a disco in 1980’s Tokyo, where people were throwing money around and acting as though the good times would never end (before they abruptly did in the 90’s when the economy tanked and the last thing people wanted to listen to was upbeat music).  

The song most enthusiasts cite as being their way into the genre is the song Plastic Love by Mariya Takeuchi: https://youtu.be/YoBwKfMluuo

Though for me it’s her husband Tatsuro Yamashita - referred to as the King of City Pop - who is the artist I find myself listening to the most, given his tracks feature more than any other across playlists and compilations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SfAdSzNHxs

It’s not just the funky upbeat tracks themselves that define the genre, but the animations and visuals that accompany the tracks on Youtube, pulling you through the screen and into the neon lit streets of Tokyo and Osaka, evoking nostalgia of a time where you never were.

The sensation is a strange one that’s hard to explain but in simple terms, but it feels like escaping to a different time, back to an idealistic 1980’s, which unsurprisingly is right up my street given my love for the cyberpunk genre and Blade Runner.

I actually realised the other day, that the Japanese City Pop playlist I’ve been building up over the years, was actually public! I thought it was private, until I noticed 60,000 viewers seem to have found it. It seems the whole world had access to my private stash of city pop!

But it's on here you’ll find amongst the best compilations on Youtube:

Here’s the thing though, as well as being nostalgic and pleasant to listen to I actually find I’m able to work better when listening to it!

Usually when I’m scripting, sitting at my desk or riding around trains, I’ll have it on in the background and I find I’m able to focus way better than when listening to English music. As well as being funky, upbeat chill out music, because it’s not sung in English, it’s far less invasive and doesn’t get in the way of my thoughts! Hopefully you’ll find the same.

But really half the fun of City Pop is just seeing what you can find on Youtube, as more and more creators create elaborate compilations, remixes and artwork to accompany the genre. City Pop may have died in the 90’s but it’s certainly back with a vengeance and I take pride in having had a small personal role in popularising it this last half decade through Abroad in Japan and numerous repostings across social media.

Check out the above playlist and read about it more on this fantastic article:

IN other news, we’ve got a new video out tonight, “12 Reason NOT to Move to Japan”.
It sounds ominous, but I actually think it’s reassuring in many ways!

Rather than a list aimed at putting people off of moving to Japan, it’s effectively 12 stories of experiences I’ve had here over the years, aimed at preparing you for many of the hurdles and issues you’ll have to confront if you do live here.

Get ready to hear about the worst neighbour in human history.

And finally before that, Ryotaro put out a surprisingly good video on his channel yesterday, following around his friend, who was campaigning to become a local politician. It’s incredibly rare access into what it’s like to run for election here and it’s brutal viewing at times, particularly the second half. But I highly recommend a watch.

Honestly, you know it MUST be good if I’m recommending a bloody Ryotaro video.

For now guys, enjoy your start to the week and keep an eye out for the Abroad in Japan video later today!





lmao @ the risotorro burn. but I'll have a look. will be cool to see how's his videos improve in real time


I've been listening to your playlist! All this time I assumed you left it public for us since you're such a nice guy! 😉


I listen to City Pop compilations while doing homework here in Japan studying abroad. I also have a Tatsuro Yamashita compilation that I listen to while relaxing. Such good vibes!

Aldo de Leeuw

Listening to music with lyrics that can't distract you makes a lot of sense. My Analog Journal has introduced me to a lot of funk/pop music from all over the world. Like this mix from Zaïre https://youtu.be/xxLlgik2Dvg


if only we could listen to youtube music even though our phone's screen is off, oh wait apparently we can from chrome browser. thank you, as always, for sharing this gem Chris. i hope you included how one can never find right size of clothes in Japan in the upcoming video.


Thanks for the recommendations. I just joined the pateron excited to see some cool content


Recently imported some Toshiki Kadomatsu concert Blu-rays from Amazon Japan. I can't get enough of the guy.


Rips to the deleted and private vids in the collection of great tracks you put together. Completely forgot that existed. Thanks for the reminder! New music to listen to while working now.


Well I know what playlist I'm saving for later. 😉 Thanks Chris.


I feel the same way with City Pop. I listen to it all the time, especially in the car on summer nights. I too absolutely love Tatsuro Yamashita. I have most of his albums on CD, and I'm slowly building a collection of other City Pop artists. Anri is another one of my favs who I could listen to forever!


The wild thing about city pop as a genre is that it was never called 'city pop' in Japan until very recently. In the 80s, it was just pop music, and after that, it was '80s pop'. The name 'city pop' seems to be an invention of the English-speaking internet, which was then reverse-imported back into Japan with such gusto that you can now find corners of record stores with big CITY POP signs. I recall hearing a story of Tatsuro Yamashita himself being confused the first time someone called his music city pop, as it was never a term he had heard or used at the time he was making it. I agree it is strangely effective working music...


Have you ever tried youtube vanced its quite good, but i think its android only (https://github.com/YTVanced/VancedManager )


why Saturday seems to never come 😑😑


wow, you echoed almost my exact sentiments about the genre! It's probably my favorite genre (Future Funk is a close second). It definitely does have that tranquil quality of transporting you to an idealized 1980's, and a happier state of mind in general.


City pop? More like シッティPop.


I love listening to city pop too! It really helps me focus and calm down


I honestly thought it was Ryotaro running for mayor 😂


One of my other favourite youtubers, and one of only four people I support on Patreon, Hello Future Me, has a video about the cyberpunk genre he's been working on for the last six months - it's going to be published in a couple weeks. Perhaps he'll turn me into a cyberpunk fan also ^_^


I love retro 80's synth wave, thank you for sharing! :D


Kingo Hamada pretty much ran 2020 for me 😂


Citypop is great! I've been listening to a livestream on YouTube for citypop for over a year now!


What a timing, Chris. I've been thinking that you must be into "Bubble Japan" since you like city pop, hence, wanted to suggest a "Bubble Era Experience" type of video where you can briefly cover the bubble itself and gather fun bubble stories from people that were living during those times.

Colin Mathie

I've just joined your Patreon, is there a link for your discord?


Hi Chris! I just finished watching the latest video, amazing as always! There was just a little something that I was expecting you talk about, the weather. As you've mentioned before Japan has some extreme weather (and personally it's something I think a lot when planning to move to Japan). I would really appreciate it if you could maybe write a little article about that, because when I first saw that Japan has its own "typhoon season" I couldn't quite understand how do people in Japan cope with that, is it perhaps not as extreme as it sounds? Does Japan have a "maybe plan of emergency just in case"? I'm from Paraguay and we mostly just have a sunny weather, a little too hot sometimes, and also thunderstorms. If you could tell us what you personally do in those situations that would be pretty cool. And sorry if it's a touchy subject, I know some people have a harder time than others coping with it, but that's exactly why I think sharing it actually helps overcoming it! Thanks in advance a have nice day!


If your Discord account is linked to your Patreon account then it should automatically add you to the server.


hey chris. I too love the upbeat music that I can filter out during work provided by City Pop. Thanks for bringing it up in one of your earlier videos. I can also highly suggest Jimmy Koproto Korean Chill Mix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoTfRVxfCVI thank you for your videos and podcast!


This video helped me take a step back and thoroughly weigh the pros and cons of moving to Japan (for higher studies vs, doing an internship there). Appreciate the video. Sometimes, the people who care about us the most, tend to be the most brutally honest critics. It was evident from the video that you have a sincere appreciation of Japan, its culture and people.


I'm not very familiar with City Pop, but having listened to a couple of the songs in your playlist I do have to say that I've found myself a new genre that I enjoy, so thanks!


You put me on to City Pop, now it's one of my most listened to music genres and whenever I'm having a bad day or just simply want to relax and have a nice day I listen to the one and only, supreme ruler of all... Tatsuro Yamashita

Laura Beaumont

Thanks for reposting the city pop playlist! I had forgotten how to find that specific list and had been just searching YouTube at random for “city pop” songs. It’s the best thing to listen to when I need motivational background music. I’ve even played it outside while doing yard work... I think my neighbors found some inspiration from it too since, a few days after I had played it outside, they started playing 80’s music in their garden as well. Though it wasn’t as cool as the Japanese songs I still give them kudos for trying. 😆


Born in 70 so as a teen in the 80s i do like it. Very nostalgic. Very odd for me not in English but it is strangely liberating not knowing the words.


Hey Chris, You are my first Patreon ever. I'm glad there are creators like you making videos on the unique and beautiful country of Japan. I always wanted to visit Japan someday but until then watching your videos (some in glorious 4K 😆) makes me feel like being in Japan. So, Thanks for doing this. Also, very excited to be a part of this community. 👍🏼

Astor Reinhardt

It's funny. I was born in 1991 but I grew up watching 80s cartoons, playing 80s video games and playing with 80s toys. I feel a strong connection to the 1980s even though I never lived through those years. Something about the 1980s just...feels warm and inviting. It's hard to explain. I know I can just call it nostalgia but it's deeper then that. Like...something just clicks inside me and I feel at home. City Pop does that. Which is weird since I didn't grow up listening to it. I guess the beats and music fit, regardless of what language is sung.


City pop! Nice article Chris. Didt know about your playlist. Thanks for sharing 👌


Chris, first I have to thank you for a great playlist for City Pop. I honestly never knew what this type of music was called until a few months ago, but always enjoyed the style since watching 80's anime in the 90's. Curiously, you touched on it, but if you look at Japan today, how rose colored are the glasses when imagining Japan through City Pop? Ideally not like the 90's, but is it reasonable today or a past long gone? As an aside, I've been watching your videos for the past year or so and have been enjoying them greatly, to the point of figuring our this whole Patreon thing just for you. Keep up the great work, as I get to live vicariously through you until I get the opportunity to visit Japan myself. I hope you enjoy the work as much as we enjoy watching.


Wow, thank you for this, I've always liked that kind of 80s beat, random stuff like Synthwave (which is kinda dead anyway) as well as 'LoFi' and chiptune - it's so upbeat! Here's a particular favourite of mine: https://soundcloud.com/meganeko/rymdkraft-meganeko-astro-soda Anyway, I love this genre already, so; THANK YOU. Seriously.

Leo the seal

gotta love japan music man so good


Dude when's the first part of the new series dropping? I'm holding off ordering tonight's pizza for this.


I love City Pop! Is is possible to feel nostalgic for a time you were never a part of let alone born into?? I also pretty much listen to it every single day. I think lately all I've listened to is Japanese music and its helping me learn Japanese too. Your newest video is so well done!! Since I was 10, I have romanticized the idea of living in Japan for school or work but then you hear stories about how difficult it is for a foreigners but then also women. I also think the only possibility of moving and working there is if I was married to a local which shouldn't be the case esp if you're a strong individual. So frustrating that Japan is still stuck behind the times in regards to women's rights. Seems like its getting better though.


Will the extended/uncensored episode be uploaded here or do we have to find it somewhere else? Expected it to be posted here at the same time or even earlier than on yt :)


Thanks so much for sharing the music playlists. It really shows that regardless of age, cultural background, or language, great music is great music. Your video is a must-see for anyone thinking of living in Japan and the Journey Across Japan series (1,2 & now 3) is the gateway to visiting the country. Just saw the first video of JAJ3 and it is the G.O.A.T 😉


Loved it when you sent me a link and some info and on it in DM and still loving it. Do need to listen more to be fair for how good it is


I just learned about City Pop from you and enjoy it a lot as well! Talking of music and such, do you have any recommendation on a nice Japanese radio station? Thanks to internet radio I can listen to Internat radio here in Germany and would love to listen to some (good) Japanese music to get some of my wander lust soothed and also get back into the Japanese language. Maybe you have any Tipps? Thanks bunches!


I completely agree on using music, especially non-English, when working! When I draw or write, I love having music in the background, but English lyrical songs usually end up being distracting. So I tend to listen to instrumental anime and video game soundtracks (and yeah, the Japanese lyrics from opening or ending songs don't district me either). And usually, especially when I write, I end up using a particular soundtrack to help convey an emotion I'm trying to get across.