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Hey all, as you can see we're a little down to the wire here. February's the short month, and we've only got one more day until it's over!

I'll cut to the chase and tell you all what's up: sometime in the next couple of days I'll be releasing Chapter 5 in alpha. Since we're "relatively on-schedule" with this one, the early-access period of 7 days will be followed.

As you can all see with the progress tracker, we're still a few scenes behind... there was a few hiccups.... long story short that's my own fault, so in order to honor my promise of an end-of February release: the alpha, released sometime in the next day or so, will be missing a few scenes which will be added/finished by the time early-access is over.

So good news and bad news:

Good news first, CH5 is indeed being released in alpha in a day or so. We're following the tiered early-access model here on Patreon.

Bad news, the alpha is a little barebones (at least by Radiant's standards)-- the last few scenes of the chapter aren't quite ready for consumption just yet, so if you want to play the full chapter all at once/don't want the stunted version, I recommend waiting until the game's in beta, or for the best possible experience: the full launch. Our plan is to get the last few scenes done before the full release here on Patreon.

Keep in mind that your time-zone will affect when you see the alpha posted here to Patreon, it might be a day or two into March when it's posted. Regardless of all of the above, I am beyond excited for you guys to play this chapter. I hope all of you enjoy playing/reading it as much as I enjoyed making it and I'm super excited for the feedback & discussion about it.

I've rambled on long enough, I need to get back to it. Love you guys!


P.S. February wallpapers incoming.



Chapter 5 alpha will be out tonight! It will likely be late at night/early AM, aka when most people in the USA are sleeping. Thanks for your patience guys, I just wanted to make sure it was absolutely perfect/not cut corners. I appreciate all of you for dealing with my antics!


when will there be a ch 6?