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Hey everyone.

First of all, sorry it has been a little while since I posted any official communication. The plan was to have CH5's beta wrapped up at the beginning of this month at the latest, but as usual life sometimes throws curveballs at us.

I'm usually fairly private when it comes to discussing my health and wellbeing so I won't go into detail, but to keep it vague, I got sick and let's just say things we're very dire for a while. It was something that couldn't be ignored (otherwise I might not be typing this right now).

Anyway, enough about me... let's get to the important bit:

I'm updating the progress tracker as soon as I post this to reflect where we're at. We're down to the last couple of scenes and it shouldn't take too much longer to wrap things up, create the chapter's ending credits and stat screens, finish the walkthrough, etc. I apologize once again that this took a while longer than initially planned, but I promise the second part of CH5 will have been worth the wait!

I'll also be posting the 4K wallpapers for the month of April tonight as well, and May's should be just around the corner. As for CH6, do not worry! As far as I'm concerned, despite its incomplete state, I consider CH5 to be a March release... and I'll be working twice as hard/twice as often to ensure that CH6 is released, respectively, by the end of August.

Thanks for your patience everyone, and sorry if I left any of you worrying. Don't forget to check out this month's wallpapers, and expect the progress tracker to be updated 10-20 minutes after this goes up!

Thanks, love you all.



spacegamblerjr .

the developer sure does like girls with freckles don't they

Erick Corrales

Get well soon, God Bless You