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Hey again everyone! I've recently updated the tracker to reflect the state of our progress, and this is the biggest one yet... as we've nearly completed the next 7 scenes, and it won't be long before we knock out the next few as well. Additionally, now that we're nearing completion, I was able to predict that the chapter will be approximately 19-20 scenes long, and I've updated the tracker to reflect that.

While this does mean that Chapter 5 is a bit shorter than the last two, the good news is that we only have approximately 7-8 more scenes to completion, and we're still on track to release in late February!

As you can see by the above previews, we're meeting a new (but important) female character! Who is this peculiar looking girl, and why the mysterious sunglasses? Perhaps her role in the story has something to do with one of the career aspirations of the triplets..? We also get a rather intense visit from our employee, Mira, whom I cannot confirm nor deny is up to something.

I would've liked to post more previews for you guys, but the others would be a bit too spoilery, so we'll have to leave it at that for now.

A quick apology for taking a while to post this one: not only did we have the holidays recently, but I've been dealing with quite a few difficult personal matters and decided to use my time wisely and focus my energy on just getting work done. That said, I'm about to post this month's wallpapers (they're spicy!): sorry they're coming so late in the month, and thanks for being so patient with us. 

I love you all!





thanks for the update. i cannot wait for chapter 5 :)


Thank you for the update can not wait for the next Chapter