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The Blueprint book has had it's near-final update, now with added lights and clean power line network!). Stage 7 remains a giant end-game stage to fully account for different game plans and map situations (read the descriptions of "Stage 7" blueprint and "stage 7Up" upgrade planner for more info). I'm thinking the best format for the 10k SPM series anyway will not be like my normal "main series", as it's likely each video will require way too much planning, testing and editing to be a weekly video. As the video of every step of the way is probably best made when the planning/research phase is still fresh in my head, I plan to just sporadically sprinkle in videos of the 10k SPM base series in as they occur / as they're ready, inbetween everything else. So, I will simultaneously be working on the opening episode of the 10k SPM series in the coming weeks, showcasing this awesome self-balancing starting base (which I'm pretty proud of actually, it really seems to be working as intended even in wildly different game conditions, from default biter settings, to peaceful biters, to biters disabled :)

If you prefer watching on Youtube instead: https://youtu.be/DB_zYTnjIo4

Blueprint book, map seed and skip-early-game map downloads can be found in the post below.

The rest of the post below is the same, sorry for the extra notification on this post, I didn't want to make a full new post for this.


This is an unedited patreon-only video, in which I explain the concept of my self-balancing starter base, which eventually turns into a 63 SPM "infinite research" base through a series of stackable blueprints, to start off the megabase phase!

While the last endgame section is not 100% finetuned yet, the important part and main idea behind the book is finalized, and a full playthrough is possible now, so feel free to give it a go! (If you wish, you can even skip building mining outposts by taking the last savegame listed below, and later by using infity chests with loaders, and infinity pipes through /editor, see last part video)

Blueprint book: (EDIT: Finalish version, now with added lights and clean power line network!)


The map downloads below are with default biter settings. For peaceful/disable biters entirely, use the map seed instead. You can roll your own map, but keep in mind the position of the starter ore patches and the base, the ore belts connect in the top left corner of the rectangle.

Map downloads / seed: 2973496260



Stage 1 temporary starter base example (preparing to take out small-worm-protected biter bases)


Post-car-attack (biters taken out, miners are setup, ready to start the the actual 30 SPM build):




It's also worth noting that for the same cost as the 16 productivity three modules in yellow and purple science assemblers, you could get 20% productivity on 65 SPM in your labs (6 labs, two speed 3 beacons and a bunch of speed 1 beacons). This is well worth doing in addition to the moduling of yellow and purple, since 20% overall science productivity will pay back the module cost for 16 modules just while researching rocket silo and space-science pack (i.e., the modules pay for themselves within about 3000 red/green/blue/yellow/purple science). Once space science comes into play, this becomes an even bigger benefit.


Normally I'd indeed work from the top down with high-tier modules, so labs, then yel/pur science, then direct science ingredients and so on. However, I felt that partially applying specific and varying upgrades to single setups is hard to convey through a series of blueprints, so I use only generic upgrades. Since 20 labs already scrapes the bare minimum in the RGBM-science-phase of the game, and module 3s are super expensive this early, I chose for prioritizing 16 module 3s in the yel/pur assemblers instead of 40 for the labs. As we neccesarily have 20 labs for which speed1 beacons are more than enough (and the rest of the base also won't benefit from higher level speed beacons as that's outside of the ability of the starter base's resource generation capabilities) I chose to stick with speed1 modules for all beacons for simplicity. I do recommend prod3 module in the labs (and silo ofc) before consuming any space science though. Also, thanks for the video displaying the oil pipe laying. I never really looked into exactly WHEN an underground pipe is placable on top of a normal pipe, knowing the logic behind it makes it slightly less annoying though I still wish UG pipes and normal pipes weren't fast-replacable at all.


I’ve been using this blueprint book for my “main base” layout in several recent playthroughs. I lost count, but I think I have built the full thing at least 5 times now (twice upside-down), the latest one in a 300% deathworld. It’s an excellent, self-contained rocket-making-and-researching base blueprint with a lot of flexibility. I like that production is focused on the basics and science intermediates, leaving the shopping-mall of splitters, miners, assemblers and other stuff to the hand-fed (and later bot-fed) assemblers at the player’s discretion. It just needs one more thing to be truly “shiny”… preferably with the pre-placed power-poles, to see better to build the next blueprint?


Nice, and thanks for the playtesting and feedback! Early game malls are way overrated anyway. You just need iron/gears/greens and you can hand craft anything you need on demand, on location, faster that you can build whatever it is you're building (out of fast inserters? just craft some and place belts/assemblers in the mean time). It's much faster than detouring to the mall everytime you need 10 fast inserters or something. I'm curious how you dealt with the 300% deathworld map, as this base is not at all designed for Deathworld (as it relies on clearing your pollution cloud of biters, which is much harder to do with half terrain pollution absorption and 5-10x the biter bases to take out I did give it a run on deathworld myself too though, (on the same provided map seed), but man, it isn't easy. I kept the same strategy as per the book, no defenses at all and cleaning up all nests in the pollution cloud (which immediately got me to 45% evolution or so, pretty difficult grenade-only combat against large bases with many medium biters and spitters). After I cleared them, I had to keep half production (skipped upgrading to steel furnaces) to keep the pollution cloud from reaching the biters, until I got the tank and poison capsules, which finally allowed me to "grow" the empty-land-bubble for my pollution cloud so I could finally upgrade to the full base layout. Then beeline for spidertron and from there it's easy sailing again. But overall it was pretty hard