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Note: if you like to watch my usual longer episodes with a drink and a snack, don't watch this right now. So, if I don't have a complete episode ready, I usually upload the progress so far/the section which is completed. Note that for these uploads, all the editing has been completed (including the final sound balancing), and the final full episode will include this uploaded video without further editing. So, for those who want to watch a vid every week regardless of the length, this is for you (you won't miss out on video quality by watching it early).

Well, the finished episode both will contain something which seems to happen EVERY playthrough of mine, as well as something which NEVER seems to happen...

So, I will try to keep the pace high going through the early stages of the game (until we get to the part where the indestructible biter bases really start to become a factor), covering much more time per episode compared to my last series. 


Other progress this week is, I got to work on the 10k SPM opening thing (with the 60SPM blueprint book base), the recording of the opening stage (stage 1, the starter base and car exploration/extermination), and simultaneously written the script while playing the opening. This is a new method I'm trying, and while it does seem easier to form a coherent story this way, on the other hand it's easy to get hung up in too many details (as you don't have the full overview yet of having finished the playthrough/recording when writing the script), and it seems to cost more time rather than being more efficient. So, a mixed bag, kinda. I originally wanted to skip over the start rather quickly and get to the blueprintable base progression, but now I think getting the start right IS kind of important to get right, especially with non-peaceful biter settings. I do not want to open the blueprintable base video(s) without any "blueprintable basing" though, so the pre-blueprint opening phase will likely be either like an appendix A at the end of the video, or if it grows too long (entirely likely for a man who once made FOUR finales to a series not so long ago... :/ ), it's own episode. Ideally I would like to cover somewhere up to blue science/advance oil/bots in ep1, probably cover the detailed pre-blueprint opening in ep2, then finish the 60SPM starter base in ep3. Hmm, it looks like I already moved on to the acceptance phase of the opening needing it's own episode. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out. For now, I've rambled on long enough again!




Preview ep2



I like to think of the in-progress videos as extended teaser trailers for the longer show that will come later, even if there isn't enough time to finish my coffee, er, popcorn during the episode. I enjoy them both as mini-episodes and watching again fully later. Like all quality art, it takes repetition to fully appreciate. Thanks for the early preview! P.S. I have been trying to guess what the 'something which happens every playthrough, and something which never happens' things might be. Your crashed spaceship has been destroyed one(?) time, so that's not it. And you have *almost* but not quite always had a final rocket launch with a fish on board, but we're not to the finale yet. So I'm coming up blank on what they could be... can't wait to find out :-)


I don't recall seeing your factorio guy die on-camera before, hmm...


Hey Mike, at 4:00 you might notice one of your oil pumps are not working. Now, we know that's not what NEVER happens, but it does appear that it's not plumbed in!