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Hey everyone!

At the beginning of the month, some patrons' payments were erroneously declined due to a backend change that was made with Patreon's payment system.

Please check to ensure that you were not affected!  As it stands, 3 weeks later, there is still a nearly 50% increase over our recent average of declines showing for the past month.

Here is the full message from Patreon, along with instructions on how to validate your payment or change payment method if necessary.

From Patreon:

Hi there,

An issue with a payment partner is causing a slightly higher-than-normal number of patron payments to be declined by their banks. We've traced the increased declines back to a payments system upgrades required by one of our processing partners. Patrons might see some payments declined while changes take effect.
Please check if you are affected by the declines, and if so, we advise you to follow these steps:

1. Contact your card issuer to confirm the charge is valid and retry that card
2. If the retry does not work, try a different payment method. Patrons can edit their payments in their Settings, under Billing History:

We’re deeply sorry about these interruptions and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve them.



Unfortunately a lot of my patrons were effected by this, resulting in a much smaller turnover than I was expecting and a sharp decline in subscribers for a period. It's back up, but not sure if patreon is still experiencing these issues. Do we inform our users of this or do we contact patreon directly to inquire?


I plan on sending messages out as soon as I can decide who to send it to. Not having date of declined payments makes it difficult =_=


New item are cool, are you about to add some otehr cloth design for onyx?


i didn’t even know my card was declined until today. Do you have an email list i can subscribe to Eromancer? with that you can send emails regarding stuff like this and more updates directly


Sorry for the delay! The most we have a is a twitter :(, but I don't usually use it for admin purposes. I was planning on emailing patrons but due to people being declined it made it very unclear about who would receive the email x.x