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Hey everyone!

I've attached the  files for the V0.042 Hotfix (EDIT: Please click on the post title to be able to see the attached patch files), which will fix a common crash during the final elevator battle as well as missing UI graphics.  See below for instructions on how to install the patch!  Save files from V0.04 and V0.041 are compatible with this hotfix.

In addition, I've attached a save file for those of you wanting to skip past the V0.03 content.  This save will start you off right before the Fleshfather boss.  To use it, simply place it into your 'Save' folder.  Be aware that it will overwrite the save in Slot 1 if one exists. 



Remove patch file (.edf extension) from the ZIP and place it into the 'Patch' folder in the main game folder.  If 'Patch' folder doesn't exist, create it manually or start the game once to have it created for you. 


I just wanted to remind everyone who might have downloaded the bugged V0.04 version to check their messages, as we sent out a new download link a couple of hours later for the patched version (V0.041).  Please apply the new hotfix to that version!


I would like to ask a favor from everyone who stumbles upon a game crash.  Most of you, who played the demo didn't encounter any crashes at all, which is a good thing, but it also means that bugs still out there are very hard to find and fix, so we must rely on you to provide us with as much information as possible!  It takes only few minutes to create bug report, but it can save us hours to fix a bug with minimum amount of info.  Please follow these few steps when reporting a bug to make our lives (or rather AltairPL's life) much easier:


  • If game screen is not empty make a screenshot (preferably with error message out of the way),
  • Add a description; where the error occurs, what was the last action (or few last actions) -- the more details, the better.  It doesn't have to be a novel, but every detail counts,
  • Send description along with '!Error.log' and 'Options.ini' files (both in the System folder) and optional screenshot to us (eromancergames@gmail.com).



If you downloaded the hotfix patch immediately after this post was made you'll see that I attached "Hotfix_0.0352.zip" instead of "Hotfix_0.042.zip". The correct one is now attached, so make sure to re-download it! Sorry about that!


LOL how to download the hot fix ?


Open the post in a new page to view any attachments - bloody Patreon makes the dumbest design decisions sometimes.


You get Malise in your party shortly after the first boss, follow the robot NPC when you get to the second area


blocked before "B5" floor help?


Overall the game is great. Art is amazing, and I've found the game play to be fairly well balanced. However, you've lost me with the latest fetish. It's just not something I care for. I wish you all the best in the future releases, but I am done.


I get all the circuit boards and 20s,but I can't cross the door.where the first boss


I finished the v 0.42..... it went smooth, it just crashed one time while fighting a normal encounter..... I think the puzzle is just broken and should have much more hints.


Would you be willing to send us your error log (!Error.log) found in the System folder? It would help us figure out the reason for the crash during the normal encounter. If you could email it to eromancergames@gmail.com it'd be great! Also, we agree about the puzzle (see the post before this one) :D.


Question: Is the underground area the only area available in this version? This is the first version I've been able to play (asides from the demo) yet I have seen gameplay footage of street-level areas with the male human enemies.


Hey! That footage is from the earlier Patreon releases. It will be making a return eventually, though in a more developed form. It was pretty much a proof of concept that we'll be able to do far more interesting things with using the new map system. Feel free to send me a message though if you'd like details on how to obtain an older version!


I can not beat this puzzle to save my life can someone explain?


The patched version (which will contain a new method to help navigate as well as more and improved hints and other tweaks) will be out soon :D.