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Hey guys!  

Apologies again for the belated full release post and earlier release issue.  $10 patrons and up should now have proper links for V0.041.

We're already getting a ton of feedback for the build and I want to address some of that before getting into the technical stuff!   Before I get into it, it's good to remember that we're making this game together, and your feedback is essential to correcting our missteps and guiding this game to what we all want it to be.

Dat Puzzle.

A lot of people aren't too fond of the new puzzle, and we hear that!  Even I have a couple major issues with how it turned out that I'm glad some of you have echoed. Those issues basically boil down to: 

1. This puzzle is really involved for being so early in the game.

2. Too much trial and error / there should be a more structured method for navigating through it. 

Luckily, I had a solution for #2 ready to go that I feel will refine it significantly, and we've already come up with a solution for #1.  Basically, we're going to move the refined version of this puzzle to mid-late game (maybe even a side dungeon), and replace it with some straightforward exploration for this area that will trim it down some.  After all, this area is basically the prologue of the game, and shouldn't take more than a couple hours to get through.

Dodgy Monsters.

A second area of concern for people is that the difficulty has seemingly increased. This was largely unintentional, and is in fact a side effect of skills no longer being guaranteed hits.  Enemies haven't been buffed or anything, but their evade apparently should have been nerfed significantly to make up for this (especially this early on since you have no access to gear to significantly improve your hit rate).  Simply put, my bad!  Expect some edits in an upcoming patch that will fix this and a number of other lesser bugs.

Bugs! (and Upcoming Fixes)

The outstanding bug right now a potential crash during the "elevator battle" segment.  This crash happens when a new enemy joins the battle (one could say they *crash* the party, aha).  It's conditional, so it is possible to make it through without any issues, but it happens enough that we want to put a hotfix out for it ASAP.   Expect that soon!

Reward Distribution for $15 and up Patrons

With that stuff out of the way, I'd like to go over information for $15 and up backers. 

PDF rewards will be sent out in the next few days as I had to put it on the back burner to get the release out in a timely-ish manner.  I apologize for the delay!

Inner Circle access information will be sent out to the appropriate $45 and up patrons in the next few days as well.

For those of you that selected an artwork print reward, please let me know which print design you want to receive.  I'll be sending those out in the next week or so, so please let me know!  The available designs are shown in the following posts:




Game Changes and Improvements

While some of the above things may be frustrating enough to make you wonder where the improvements are at, we promise they're there (some will be utilized much more heavily in future releases)!  Here's a general list:

New Features

A continuation of the main story featuring a new (generally loathed) area and the addition of Malise to the party.

  • New story H content
  • Added a new boss encounter.
  • Added enemy armor damage.
  • Expanded enemy battle spritesheet functionality.

Added prototype framework for what I'll call "enemy reinforcements" for now. Basically new enemies can join mid-battle, and for these battles K.O. enemies will fade out so as not to clutter the scene.

Added prototype framework for the enemy level system. 

  • Added framework for windows with custom skins. 

Added prototype framework for equipment based status effects / buffs / etc.

  • Side-scrolling maps.

Added framework for animated battle and dialog backgrounds.

  • Added a new music track.

Changes / Fixes

Improved the way doors behave when entering (player must face the door).

  • Improved the readability of fuse markers

Previous map is no longer faintly visible when loading a new map.  Transitions in

general have been improved.

  • Loading times for maps has improved.

Narrative text is now consistently colored gray so as to not make it ambiguous with dialog or choices/instructions.

  • Added 'Default' button to the Options menu.

Fuse panels have a new graphic for when they are powered on/active (keys light up white)

Fixed an issue where sprites at the edge of the screen would disappear during the map scene.

Added first batch of map optimizations.  Depending on map, performance gain ranges from 1 to over 20 FPS.


System Requirements

If you haven't played the previous releases of MATM, then PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING!  

Malise and the Machine utilizes the RPG Maker VX Ace engine.  To play, you must install the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP (run time package), which you can download and install for free from http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages (click the blue button at the bottom of the page to download).

It's highly recommended that the first time you start the game you make a critical adjustment to the RPG Maker VX Ace settings to vastly improve performance of the game.  To do this, press F1 after launching the game, then in the window that appears uncheck 'Reduce Screen Flickering', and then select OK. 

Additional tips for improving performance if you find the game runs slow for you:

  • Play in windowed mode!  RPG Maker's fullscreen mode is very inefficient, and we plan on eventually writing an improved version.
  • Well, the above is about it for this release.  We had ways to toggle off some effects that can affect performance, however we've removed them so that they can be consolidated into a universal 'Performance Mode' which will be available in future versions.

Here are the recommended hardware specs for the game to be able to achieve a consistent 30 FPS: 

  • Intel Core2Duo @ 2.4 GHz
  • 4 GB RAM 

512 MB Video RAM 


I would like to ask a favor from everyone who stumbles upon a game crash.  Most of you, who played the demo didn't encounter any crashes at all, which is a good thing, but it also means that bugs still out there are very hard to find and fix, so we must rely on you to provide us with as much information as possible!  It takes only few minutes to create bug report, but it can save us hours to fix a bug with minimum amount of info.  Please follow these few steps when reporting a bug to make our lives (or rather AltairPL's life) much easier:  

  • If game screen is not empty make a screenshot (preferably with error message out of the way),
  • Add a description; where the error occurs, what was the last action (or few last actions) -- the more details, the better.  It doesn't have to be a novel, but every detail counts,
  • Send description along with '!Error.log' and 'Options.ini' files (both in the System folder) and optional screenshot to us (eromancergames@gmail.com).



Well, you certainly know how to handle criticism. And that's a great quality to have. I still look forward to seeing how this project progresses. Hoping for great things down the line.


why is the amp in the first area not working properly? I placed 10 5 5 to open the 20 door lock but it wouldn't open? previous versions worked perfectly. Placed a 10 10 10 and it doesnt work either.


While at a fuse panel, try the 'Analyze Circuits' choice. Could you let us know what it says? The 20 door I believe you're referring to requires 20 amps on circuit B.


Eromancer, will we see the Old City level in a patch soon? That was an enjoyable scene with a couple of new enemies that were fun to fight.


I second this. I just hopped on as a Patreon prior to this release and never had an opportunity to play that level. Would love to have the opportunity to do so.


While I think (aside from the puzzle) that this is all looking pretty good, can I request that we be able to opt out of certain H scenes? I'm all for people getting their fetishes in the game, but two things that gross me out a bit are eggs and inflation. Got a bit of a double whammy there with no way to avoid it. I also assume that there'll be more vanilla-y H content along the way?


I liked the continuation of that scene and wasn't really shocked, knowing the type of game we are playing and how hardcore the rest of the hentai in it is. However, it did seems strange how quickly Neon recovered after that - I even thought that we were controlling a different clone of Neon at first, considering how casual she is: "Can't contact Doc, gotta move on..."


The game for me is nice and sure the new mobs is one that can fuck you over as you only have one with interput and it takes alot to break out of also I do dislike puzzles in general but I like seeing how much you guys push the rpg engine :-) looking forward to seeing how the game will develop because it clearly shows that you guys wants to make a great game


make the puzzle optional....like to unlock a cool slutty armor or something lol...maybe like a schoolgirl outfit for neon LOLOLOLOL! bondage gear for malise :D?


Is it at all possible for Neon to get an armour break on ger upper body. Never happened to me and Mailse had both breaks quite quickly.

Jan Reese

The problem i had with the puzzle is that it eats my fuses with no way to get more since i don't get encounters in the area. Example: i go to room [0,2,2], to do that i put 10 amps in C and 25 in B. ag´fter i get out i only get back 2 10 amp fuses and 1 5 amp fuse. The answer might be that i simply didn't farm enough fuses in the last area, but that's kinda stupid, how was i supposed to know that? (unless i am missing a really obvious way to get more fuses) Another thing that irks me is that there is a chest on the right side of the hub area that i cannot open :-D Still a really nice game but i havent gotten to see much of the new contenct sadly


Thing is (unless I'm terribly mistaken), Neon's upper body armor isn't JUST armor, but her actual frame, seeing as she's an android/synthetic/robot/something-something. There aren't any boobs there (I guess). For her to get boobs, she'd have to change her frame into a new one that's got breasts build onto it as a part of its actual design. So...no. Neon's starting frame doesn't break. If it did there would be oil, cogs and wires flying everywhere. It'd be a mess.


You should download V0.041, there you'll have encounters in that area. Otherwise you could always go up to the 15 amps - level, then sent out to the hub and then a robot will drop some fuses on the floor for you.


So here's my feedback on this update/game so far: What I loved: The combat system is amazing and one of the biggest things that draws me to this game. The armor damage/break, H attacks, status effects, how everything is incorporated into the actual combat and not just H-scene at end of combat, it's all so refreshing and amazing for an adult game. The animation/artwork is amazing as well, I like the stylized 3D art that makes this game so unique. I also love the dialogue/story writing, very tongue in cheek humor that's intriguing but not over-complicated. Now for some things I'm concerned about: The biggest concern I have is speed/size of updates. It's obvious this is a very ambitious game, and I'm super excited to see where it goes and watch new elements come into play. However, currently we are getting an update every 3 months or so (exactly 3 months between version .3 pub and the latest .4). In terms of real notable changes that we see between the two: One new H scene with Neon at the beginning. One new monster with an H attack that works on two characters. One boss, breakable enemy armor, and side scrolling maps. Beyond that, the biggest part of the new update is a new map area that essentially recycles the same room layout over and over in a permutation complex, and if it was reduced to a linear layout instead, would take about 5-10 min to get through. Now compare that to what is left to do: more outfit options for characters that are breakable, a lot more enemies with H attacks, status effects based on equipment for characters, new maps, new story missions and bosses, new mechanics. Assuming you're aiming for 1.0 to be "full release" and each update bumps up by .1, that leaves us with 6 more updates to the final product. If we follow current update speed/content, that means it'll be about 1.5-2 years before full release, for a game that has about 9-10 enemies with H attacks. That feels a bit "light" for a game that at that point i'll have paid over $70 for, and 2 years is a loonnng time to wait. I would personally suggest maybe bringing on more help to speed up/expand development, which would allow for faster updates more often (so we can have .45, .5, .55, etc but with the same amount of content per update or more as now), while also increasing your funding. I'd be more than happy to pay $10 or more a month every month if it got significant updates and development every cycle.


Eh, I think we shouldn't expect things to stay at the pace it's been 'til now. This game is as custom as a RPG Maker game can possibly be, and I can't even begin to imagine the sheer amount of work that's been put into this project to get where it is today. Coding, art, etc. Once they've completed the "resource foundation", I guess the pace of the story and ingame event development will increase, seeing as that is the "easy stuff" compared to what they've been doing until now. I just hope they'll manage to keep at it.


On the elevator on the way back up got error 'Script 'Game_Enemy' line 375: NoMethodError occured. ndefined method 'release_hold' for nil:Nilclass' Jason Lemon in a comment in the below post also had this error too.....

Jamie C.

I have to agree with Teddy. My Review is about the same except for some minor details that I may have stated before. 1.) a mini map or unique marker for each level would be very very nice, I got disorientated many times during the recent update. It was a little frustrating as I had no clue if I was progressing or going in circles. 2.) New armor and weapons with possibly different visuals such as instead of her bull pup rifle maybe some sort of energy weapon in late game with shiny colors. 3.) I love the Story and believe that you guys nailed it I feel that I am seeing it through malise and neon's eyes when playing this has been for me the strongest point of the game. 4.) Status effects, now I saw after you escape the flesh father the effect of the escape, that was really cool, I wonder if it is possible to have an inflation or detrimental consequence for the Take downs and so on. such as inflation, poison after you recover, attack speed reductions, weakness, paralysis..ETC. 5.) Easter eggs, i love collecting easter eggs and random stuff. Fallout 4 I always collect the comic books everytime, what if you guys had some of the concept art availiable in secret locations throughout the map. Terminals with additional back story (optional) this adds some more feel to the story and accomplishment, why the place was created and what happened overtime for it to be abandoned. 6.) The music is perfect. 7.) now when your character has armor breaks the story shows the damage like with the flesh father. It shows Neons armor lower broken in the story, what if when your running around the dungeon not in battle it shows the damage done to your armor like neons lower armor removed from the sprite, or malises nano suit being revealing. Overall this game is fun, the characters are engrossing you want them to succeed. the combat system is legendary and very satisfying, though there is more to come its diverse and not overly difficult. The story is very likeable, interesting and make you curious. The dialogue has funny moments and I enjoy reading it I dont feel the need to skip it. Its dark, simple, sarcastic, and enjoyable. The art work is down right gorgeous that you should not change. The entire rating for this up to this update is a 8/10 the reason I wont go any higher is Once the Final release comes out and I hope not quickly it will be higher. This game could develop to where people wanting the fun parts can have it while people like me who like the puzzles, story line. and adore the characters can enjoy it. I could see this game having multiple chapters and like 9 different bosses. I hope that the game does continue and implement many more monsters and story divisions. This is all my opinion and should be taken as such I am not a developer, designer, I am an artist but I use paper and graphite so don't count me as expert. I just enjoy this game and feel I should add my review in with its ideas and comments.


Hey Gon! Thanks for the heads up! This is the error referred to in the post. We should have a hotfix for it up later today.


So I beat Ven the first time (she ran away after her armor broke)...now what? I've gone fully through the puzzle and got the fancy gun and armor, but now I'm just wandering about the place


Awesome that you took what the critics were saying as constructive criticism guys! Like a few I didn't find the puzzle that hard, but it certainly made me stop and think for a moment. Spent a few hours grinding and there was plenty of fap material too. That unintentional evasion was definitely a surprise, but being able to SAVE ANYWHERE at ANYTIME meant I could counter that (as this is still alpha) by saving often and simply loading a save. This is, in fact, a game...with some great porn in it. At any rate, keep up the great work, you guys are doing fantastic. Especially with working on fixes to bugs or broken things that get found. (~.~):b


Is there a way to get your old save file to work from the previous build?


Nope, there's too much changed between builds for them to be compatible, unfortunately.

Patreon fan

Maybe I'm overlooking something simple, but this puzzle is giving me a hard time. Can't complain though, because everytime I think I'm about to get frustrated, I encounter an enemy, have some fun, see some cool stuff, and press on after. Great update. Nothing wrong with at least a little challenge. Hope to see more great gameplay additions in future builds. Malise's alternate costume would be cool, too as an option.

Omega Novaios

Not sure if intended or not but Neon's upper body cannot receive armor damage (had this issue in previous version as well).


ugh im frustrated i cant for the life of me figure out how to get past the puzzle part all i have are 5 fuzes and 10 fuzes i have no idea where to get the pen oil at and no matter what i do i wind up right back where i start :|...help?


This got buried in the other thread, so here you go. Alright, since people are still stumped nearly a full day after the demo's out, I figured I'd give a hand with the puzzle. So, without further ado... I present to you Tom's Fusebox. The first goal of this is to pick up a circuit board. There are two that you have access to as soon as you walk into the room. AABB and AACC. These share the same method of access, which requires 1 5-amp fuse and 3 10-amp fuses. For simplicity's sake, I'll say we're going for AABB first. Walk up to the first terminal in the 5-amp room. Place a 10-amp fuse into A. Enter A. Now you're in the 10-amp room. Place a 5-amp fuse into B, then enter A again. Time for the 15 amp room, drop a 10-amp fuse into B, enter B, then repeat for the 25-amp room. In this room, there'll be a chest containing a Circuit Board. Take the board, then exit through the way you entered. Robot'll drop a few fuses for you. Walk upwards and insert the circuit board that you just picked up into one of the inactive terminals, then place a 10-amp fuse into A. Now head back upstairs and back into the puzzle room. Now, you want to go through each of the doors once. You'll need 2 5-amp fuses and 1 10-amp for this part. Insert a 5 into C, enter C. Next room, put the 10 into B, enter B. Now for the 15 room, put the remaining 5 into A and enter A. This room here contains both a circuit board and the penetrating oil. Grab both, give the robot the oil, then take a few minutes to get 3 10-amp fuses so you can trade it to the bot for a 20. Take the 20 and place it and a circuit board into C. Return to the puzzle room, now you can gain access to AACC for the low low price of 1 5-amp fuse. The A has 10 in it automatically now, so enter A twice. Enter C once in the 15-amp room, then place a 5 amp fuse into C to open the door. This room contains yet another circuit board and the Carbon Suit for Malise. Here I took the time to get 2 more 20-amps, placing 1 into B and replacing the 10 in A with a 20. Now you have 20 in each, and the rest of the rooms are easy to access. Make a quick stop in BBCC to pick up the NV Goggles, cause you're going to need em from here on out. From this point on, it's rather simple. AABBC, AACCB, and BBCCA all have circuit boards in them, and can be opened with 2 5s and a 10, depending on which one you choose to enter next, (Just make sure you have the fuses in before you're hitting the 25 and 35 rooms) with each one getting easier because they're dropping circuit boards to put more power into each letter.


This specific frame of her's has an indestructible chest, other outfits, ones that will change her appearance (yet to be implemented) will make it so her upper body armor can be busted open.


This got buried in the other thread, so here you go. Alright, since people are still stumped nearly a full day after the demo's out, I figured I'd give a hand with the puzzle. So, without further ado... I present to you Tom's Fusebox. The first goal of this is to pick up a circuit board. There are two that you have access to as soon as you walk into the room. AABB and AACC. These share the same method of access, which requires 1 5-amp fuse and 3 10-amp fuses. For simplicity's sake, I'll say we're going for AABB first. Walk up to the first terminal in the 5-amp room. Place a 10-amp fuse into A. Enter A. Now you're in the 10-amp room. Place a 5-amp fuse into B, then enter A again. Time for the 15 amp room, drop a 10-amp fuse into B, enter B, then repeat for the 25-amp room. In this room, there'll be a chest containing a Circuit Board. Take the board, then exit through the way you entered. Robot'll drop a few fuses for you. Walk upwards and insert the circuit board that you just picked up into one of the inactive terminals, then place a 10-amp fuse into A. Now head back upstairs and back into the puzzle room. Now, you want to go through each of the doors once. You'll need 2 5-amp fuses and 1 10-amp for this part. Insert a 5 into C, enter C. Next room, put the 10 into B, enter B. Now for the 15 room, put the remaining 5 into A and enter A. This room here contains both a circuit board and the penetrating oil. Grab both, give the robot the oil, then take a few minutes to get 3 10-amp fuses so you can trade it to the bot for a 20. Take the 20 and place it and a circuit board into C. Return to the puzzle room, now you can gain access to AACC for the low low price of 1 5-amp fuse. The A has 10 in it automatically now, so enter A twice. Enter C once in the 15-amp room, then place a 5 amp fuse into C to open the door. This room contains yet another circuit board and the Carbon Suit for Malise. Here I took the time to get 2 more 20-amps, placing 1 into B and replacing the 10 in A with a 20. Now you have 20 in each, and the rest of the rooms are easy to access. Make a quick stop in BBCC to pick up the NV Goggles, cause you're going to need em from here on out. From this point on, it's rather simple. AABBC, AACCB, and BBCCA all have circuit boards in them, and can be opened with 2 5s and a 10, depending on which one you choose to enter next, (Just make sure you have the fuses in before you're hitting the 25 and 35 rooms) with each one getting easier because they're dropping circuit boards to put more power into each letter.


Will the H moves be animated eventually? A simple looped animation of the current images, maybe with sound effects, and this masterpiece would be perfect! Though an extra stage or two to the "consume" move would be great as well. I do like it when they struggle a bit before they're swallowed. Great work so far!


Hi ! I was just wondering if all the ennemies will get at least 2 H moves (like the worms or moskitoes) cuz i was a bit disapointed to see that the "consume bags" didn't have a real raping move, same thing for the human shaped ones in the v0.03, it was kinda surprising to see that they were just puting pipe on there mouth but not using there dicks (and jerking off after when Mr. Invincible bot was ravaging one of the girls). Still have to say it's an amazing game. Just good work !


If Neon's armor is broken, the move changes to an anal scene.


A nice thing to know.


A bug, I haven't seen it mentioned: when the heroines (together) are affected by darkness, if one is downed and revived, she is no longer affected by the darkness (she has her full accuracy, and no "darkness" icon). Presumably the darkness flag is set on entry to an area, and it'd be hard to check location on revival to set the flag again. One solution, perhaps, would be to check the other heroine on revival - if her darkness flag is set, do so for the revived heroine. No doubt there are other ways!


Here's a bit more feedback.I have played with the 0.042. Technically speaking, I had no issues whatsoever so the patch did it for me. Good job! :) Game-wise, I loved the new monsters (fleshpads) and their H-attacks (just awesome!). My only doubt is about the "dead" sprite if a fleshpod manages to make a character succumb: shouldn't that be the "drenched" version of it? It puzzles me since it is in the PDF and appears if Malise gets defeated by the Vorepups but not in this case. Is it a glitch or is intentional?


I'd like to use that art, but the artwork isn't completed for Neon yet since Vorepups can't use Self Destruct on her with her available armor. We just went with the regular K.O. portrait for now :D.