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Hey all!

The definite, concrete release date for V0.04 will be the evening of May 15.


We were shooting for "around the 10th", and since we're in that ballpark right now it's obvious we need just a few more days for what is mostly the remaining dialog, event placement and scripting, and testing.  Expect the full release notes with the release post!

New patrons!!

If you missed the April 29th pledge deadline then please message me and I'll get back to you within the next couple of days with details on how to get a pledge to me so that you can get in on this release!

Apologies if I'm late to reply to emails and messages (I'm averaging probably a 1-2 day backlog) as we're really crunching hard to get things ready.  I'll try to catch up on those this afternoon!

- Eromancer 



I'm pretty sure my pledge went through on the 1st. that's not an issue right?


Better releases = higher pledges = better releases! I say take your time, polish away. Your work is fantastic!


I would want to apologize personally for my part of the delay. Recently I had a week or two in which I was basically a burned-out vegetable and wasn't able to contribute much to the project. I can only hope that what I did for 0.04 will be satisfactory.


Don't sweat it, Altair. We've all been there, and you gotta take care of yourself first and foremost. But given what we've seen of your work so far, I have no doubt that this occasion, like the rest, will be more than satisfactory.

Jamie C.

no need to worry bro. it might be better this way at least you guys will have some time to do some fine tuning and polishing. Real life and work are hard to balance I know I work at a hospital on 12 hour shifts I spend my three days off sleeping most of the time. taking your time and making sure this project is bullet proof is well worth the wait versus a shoddy project. Keep up the fantastic work looking forward to what you guys have done.


Take all the time you need. This makes my..um..nether regions..happier than i can express. I've been looking for something like this for years and now that i know it exists i can wait however long it takes. Don't burn yourselves out, you're making dreams come true with your hard work. Much respect.


Hi there! I just pledged $10 and realized that I was off the required 29 April deadline. Will I still be able to get in on v0.04?


Yea I always believe quality over quantity. Health and family still is a priority over others. I think it is still one the most creative and innovative games i ever played (I don't play much games haha). \m/ Rock on!


So what was the day that you send the pledge ? If you paid after the 1st of May, you might wanna contact the dev.


yay ^^ i pay the invoice now need to wait for the game :D can't wait!!!


can't wait until later on today.


I really hope Malise gets what's coming to her in this update. I want to see her get DESTROYED by the next boss.


Hey, gents. I'm really looking forward to this update. Do we know what time zone we're going on here?


Im also looking to find out about when the update will be posted. Hope it's not super late.

Jamie C.

oooooh super excited im counting the hours now, dont know what time it will come out but still watching the clock.


He posted that it would be the evening of May 15th, so somewhere around 8 to 10 would be a safe bet. An educated guess at the time zone, pacific standard time.


Just hope it comes in time so I can play it tonight and still get to sleep at a reasonable time for work tomorrow.


8 - 10 would definitely be past the evening and well into the night, especially 10. Here's hoping it's up shortly!


still waiting XD


Hey guys! We're still debugging and finishing up the last of the dialog. It'll be at least a few more hours, so I'll report back in a little while. Thanks for being patient!

Jan Reese

ok, so tomorrow for me then looking forward to trying this out


Gonna be tomorrow for me as well. I can't wait to see what you crazy bastards have put together!


Ahh, I'm so antsy for this... Been checking back all day, lol.


Okay... To le prep myself... Head out for a hour or two, come back and enjoy the futuristic cyber-punk dytospia goodness... Yeah!

Jamie C.

This suspense, the anticipation is killing me.....gonna have to kill time been checking every hour!!!! lol thats a good thing.


For me its already 3am 16.05.16


Omg Eromancer come on man. This update better be hella good. T_T


9:30pm May 15th for me i've never checked my email so much in my life


Time zone chaos!


Guys settle down. Let's all watch the new Thrones first.


anyone knows the time zone they're in?


I feel like I'm standing in line for the midnight release...I'm so excited to play v.4 after work tonight. :]


I just hope they aren't in Hawaii or alaska it is 5pm there. I'm guessing they have to be pacific time since it hasn't been may 15th in asia for a while now


Speaking of, did you folks check this out? <a href="http://i.imgur.com/AepJg2A.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/AepJg2A.jpg</a>


Whats the word? Is it looking like it's gonna be released in the next hour or so, or is the release getting pushed back till tomorrow?

Jamie C.

ssssshhhhhhh never say those words it makes my space chimp unhappy. I dont know have not seen anything yet.


where is it :C


There's always the saying "Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who are patient."


ruh-ruh now the 16th :o)


Should overestimate the delivery date next time, then people will either be delightfully surprised when it comes early, or if something unexpected happens, you have an extra day to work on it. Hope everything is going well.


Disappointing that the deadline wasn't met, but could you please at least post patch notes about what's new in the V.04 demo?


I believe that they are in GMT time zone. They still have a couple of hours based on their time.


It is now the 16th on the east coast... I've watch Game of Thrones, dragon ball super, boku no hero, and ReZero. I have nothing left to do but look at this screen... the horror


yeah waiting aswell, wonder if my patreon was counted


Hasn't hit the 16th yet here on the west coast, but.... it is getting late.... and I know my pledge went through, i have the charge on my account to show it.


Hopefully that dastardly Fleshfather is mucking up things without our consent!


Has this been delayed?


mumble grumble y u no release.


Hey everyone~! We're just about finished and are doing some final testing. Assuming all goes smoothly I should have emails out within the next couple of hours.

Jamie C.

YUSSSSSS!!!!! Thanks for the update :D was getting a little worried just two hours Eagerly looking forward to this.


A response! Whoohoo! It will be the 16th in every world time zone in 4 hours :O




Sad thing is: we did! 0.04 is cursed, I tell you! ;)


Great to see the response and honestly can't wait to sink my fangs into the latest update!


Still counting the minutes.


but...but... i have to go to sleep in the next couple of hours :s




aromunsir pls


Excellent, much excitement!


almost? D: we are all dying to get our hands on this release


This means going home after work to play it on the big screen. Yeehaw!


Hopefully it comes before I need to be in bed. XD


^ Hopefully it comes before I do.


Minute #1680-ish, and counting. Ever hopeful, ever eager.


Losing hopes to still play it before bed ;s


4am now and I refuse to sleep before I play this version of the game

Jamie C.

oh man oh man manny manny bed time is coming work in 7 hours, dang gonna have to Download after work. :( sad day


Its already 16th here :D


Is there anyone here on the western tip of Alaska? Because Eromancer's technically still got 50 minutes.


email when???


He still has an hour and 42 minutes to release on the correct date for Hawaii and western alaska


Set backs are part of life. Fortunately, this isn't one isn't life threatening.


Downloaded! Thank you!