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Hey again guys :D. 

So, here's the footage I wanted to show last night but didn't get to because of the storm.  This shows the updated animations for the Splicer Thugs.  There are also some new issues with shadows and a bit of other wonkiness that won't be present in the next release.  The info on the changes shown are as follows:

  • Added animations for Punch 1, Punch 2, Defend, Hit (damage), Ground Hit, Knockdown, Stand Up 
  • Playback speed is now a function of the individual animation, not the character (meaning Walk can be a different speed than Punch, for instance).
  • Punches now have a brief cue/anticipation
  • The enemy now wobbles when damage animations play.  This is a technique we saw in everything from Final Fight to Dragon's Crown.
  • We have a recoil animation for when the defending Splicer is hit, but we can't add it until Mr. Kittyhawk revamps the AI.

Aside from fixing the more obvious glitches, we have some ideas on how to further improve these animations, but it's definitely a step forward from Spine's automated blending :D.


Splicer Thug Animation Update

Latest animation test for the Splicer Thugs. There are still shadow issues and some other wonky stuff going on.



look fluid an good so far ;) are you already work on the idle animation for onyx ? The animations look very smooth, so the idle animation with some bouncing are missig only.


Nice. I like how smooth it looks as compared to the vintage arcade beat'em up games where you standing is one animation and then when you attack it just displays the another image. Looking good guys. Keep it up!


And it needs to be sassy! Actually, I don't really know what Onyx's personality is supposed to be like, but she seems like a sass.

Jamie C.

She seems like sass, needs lots of sarcasm cause sarcasm is life.


lookin smoooth. I just hope the AI uses its smooth moves to good affect and put up a challenge for us. Someone mentioned this earlier but thought I'd add to it. Have female enemies that would attract the attention off Onyx and make them vulnerable to attack. I'd go one further and make it a boss mechanic where you have to go after the female adds to slow/stop the bosses overpowering abilities and make him open to attacks. Avoiding this mechanic makes the fight super hard (ofc there are those that will try it). In the end someone has to get fucked! Venus = happy. Just a thought.