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Hey everyone!

I was hoping to start getting Onyx into Spine by now, but I’m still working on her moveset artwork ☹. We have quite a bit to show off nonetheless! That being said, I’ll have another update for you tomorrow with a finished frame from the H artwork set for you to check out!

Vioreaper Final Design + Bonus

After another day of poking at it, we’ve got the final design for the Vioreaper! Limbo also developed one of his early ideas for an entirely new biomonster enemy we’re simply calling a Charger for now. Let us know what you think!

Tunnel Map Concept

We’ve got a concept to show you for the tunnel map I mentioned last week! It’s a bit messy – we were expecting to show off a 3D concept, but Uber’s computer is out of commission as of yesterday and he’s waiting on a part to arrive =/.   The idea is that Onyx will first encounter some Splicers that were attacked by the Vioreapers, and beyond that will be a nest that spawns them. 

Onyx Edits

I figured I’d run these changes by you guys to see what you think!  Among other stuff, I’m working on making Onyx’s face more attractive where possible. What do you think of this change to the idle pose? I’m also considering removing the animal print from the shirt simply because it’s very detailed for this style and makes the folds in the shirt unreadable. I may make the shirt color brighter though so it's still the focal point. Yes/No?

Mr. Kittyhawk’s Unity Update

Hey guys, most of what I’ve been working on has been behind the scenes, so not a lot of visual progress to show from me this week. When we started prototyping this game, we picked up a few third-party libraries and plugins for Unity to get us off the ground. As we’ve pushed through into building the less generic technology the game needs to function. It’s become time to move out of the prototyping stage and thus code more permanent solutions. A lot of the current bugs and limitations are due to unstable code and clutter originating from these plugins. So, I’ve been gutting the code we don’t need, and building the systems back up in a way that’s more specific to what Pure Onyx should be. The animation system has already received a complete overhaul -- it’s no longer possible for it to desync animations from characters and draw multiple poses at once (This was only happening in rare cases, but it shows how unstable what we had was), and is now ready to work smoothly with the H system once the art is done. Physics, AI, and Combat, are still in the middle of being reworking to handle our upcoming needs.




The Vio look pretty cool ;) and the charger is a nice new Enemy typ. For the Onyx face, hmm is a hard question... the new face looks some more feminine, plus i like the more smokey eyes! and the old more some hard "ready for a fight". and the hairline on the new image look some less detail. I cant really not say what i prefer. The animal print is ok but i think i like it without more! Just my opinion ;)


I think the new face is more attractive but the old face is more aggressive. I'm 50/50 on the animal print thing. My current problem with it is she feels incomplete without it, hence why I think making her shirt color pop could fix it.


Gotta say I'm happier than I thought I'd be that you're considering doing away with the animal print shirt. It's a very 90's Peg Bundy kind of look that I thought was only really great on Peg Bundy.


I'm still all about the animal print :3. Trust me, it's coming back :0. But in this style I couldn't get it + the lovely tension folds to coexist.


Old hairline, new eyelashes, old lips, in my opinion. The shirt is very either-or and the clothing fold thing was unnoticable, I think. I'm not sure what you mean by making her shirt color pop, whether this is making the current color more vibrant or picking an entirely new color. The vioreaper looks excellent. Is that slime on his spawn/death sprites? If so, I'd like to see some slime on him in general, especially during H-scenes. The charger is great, dog enemies are a classic in these types of games. I'm hoping that the head's middle appendage is one of his 'H-tools' too. Lastly, Kittyhawk's update sounds promising. Plugins are iffy to work with and what he's done brings about nothing but positive change.


I like the Onyx changes, especially the eyes. I'm okay with losing the animal print, she probably owns more than one shirt.

Jamie C.

kinda glad you guys got rid of the animal print shirt. I didnt think it really fit her style, seemed out of place (kinda like Neon with no blue lipstick). Overall looks good.


Great update and the charger... Nuf said. I feel totally diferent regarding Onyx's top and general feel. The new look is softer and fits the very glossy look that females in this universe have. The prints however show a little personally, leopard prints are very old fashioned. Great so she loves old rock and beats the shit out of people that want to take away her freedom. Leopard prints also go with wild/dangerous while still saying feminine with the pink. Gotta be careful not to create a style that takes away from the unique personality of your characters. Also, an idea, if for whatever reason Onyx got locked up, she'd change to a boring prison outfit and the change would make her look that much more out of place.

Patreon fan

As usual, everything looks beautiful. The work this team does is very visually appealing. Can't wait to get a lengthy demo so I can dive into this world that's being creative. Side note: changes to Onyx look great. The tweaks to minor details have made her look less like a side character and more like the main character that she has become.


I actually like new one Onyx without animal print and with new face. So yeah, my vote for new one


I notice that comments are split almost half and half between the old and new, especially when it comes to the shirt. Maybe in the H-mode where we get to see Onyx upclose, we can have the option of both? Like it's 2 different images that get unlocked with the same accomplishment. But yeah that would pretty much just limit it to the H-gallery static images only, for in-game it would be hard (but not impossible) for now to implement it as changable outfits that players can select from an inventory. Maybe this is something that can be considered in future updates... Anyway just throwing out this idea since it's on my head now, and I've seen similar beat-em-up games with changable outfits.


Outfit selection is nice but it should be very extra. Perhaps even after MatM's first full release, if the whole team can work on that. Also if this is done, I think it should be more than just reskins, probably even when not changing any skills (or moves) like in MatM.