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Hey guys!

It’s been a bit of a dull week, but there’s progress to show nonetheless! Uber has school finals this week so he’s been busy there, and I’ve been mostly occupied with cleaning up and breaking down Onyx’s moveset artwork for Spine. Lesson learned, it’s far easier to draw characters in layers from the start (which we do now) than it is to break them down later. That said, it’s giving me the opportunity to improve on shading and faces since I’ve gotten better at both.

Anyways, I'll likely be updating this post or making an additional one later tonight or tomorrow that will show off the new Splicer animations (they are coming along great :D).  I'm getting hit with a lot of freezing rain and wanted to make the post now in the event I lose power from the lines freezing over.

Vioreaper Concepts

After Uber’s design of the Underpass map, I came up with an idea that I think everyone will like. We’re going to add a tunnel map into the first level, where you’ll get an introduction to biomonster enemies. I think once we make a public demo this will show players that we’re still all about the weird stuff and not going all vanilla or something.

I’ve chosen the Vioreaper as the first biomonster, and as such we’ve been working on the design in between H stuff. We’re considering giving them the ability to swap their meaty appendage for a stinger and to shoot paralyzing darts. They’ll also be able to fly off screen and swoop in for a dive attack with their slicers. Let us know if you have any other ideas for their moveset, and check out all the artwork we've assembled below!

Scrapyard Level

With the addition of the tunnel map, we’re planning on breaking the first level into two. The second level will be an industrial park/scrapyard, populated by Splicers and mechanical enemies. The Wraxe-wielding boss will be the boss of this level, but we’ll probably temporarily make him the boss of the first level just to get us an effective demo more quickly.

This means we still need an idea for a boss for the first level. We intend for the last map of the first level to be a police blockade, possibly where the Splicers and Police factions have been fighting it out. Let me know if you have any good ideas for a boss!

H Artwork Preview Pt 2

Work’s been continuing on the first Splicer Thug H scene art.  Just so everyone's on the same page, these previews are works-in-progress for the key frame artwork that we will turn into animations.  We reworked the third frame to accommodate the idea you guys focused on in the last update :D. Currently I’m dreading complications with animating her hair, but this is something we’ll get better at.  Check out the full versions linked below :D.

Splicer Animations

Kitsune is back and has been finishing up the Splicer Thug animations.  There's still a couple left and some additional work to do, however I think you'll agree they are far better than what we had in the last release.  We've got them ready to show off but need to round out some newfound bugs we discovered when putting them in-game.  I'll either update this post or make a new one once things are squared away!




The 1-3 WIP for the Splicer Thug preview, that's gold right there, as discussed in the comments of the January 10 post. The Vioreapers would probably act on instinct and don't need many attacks to be believable. Maybe a quick bite (still with a 0.25/0.5 second wind-up), a slower, more powerful sting (say, 1 second wind-up) and then the flyby slice but you should keep the frequency of this low since invincible or dodgy enemies are annoying a lot of the time. You've probably already got loads of ideas running through your twisted little heads about H-sequences so I'll leave you to your own devices on that. Lastly, probably best to make a new post of what you mentioned in the last paragraph. An update could be easy to miss for people swinging by.


Is that webbing on the Vioreaper? If it isn't, web restraints would be a super great addition imo. Adding them to the first level as introduction to biomonsters is a good decision. Happy to see it coming along.


Nope but a spider biomonster would be fun. There's a lot we could do with that idea :D.

Jade Golem

Last idea for a boss level when the premise is a battle between the splicers and police? Easy, some kind of mechanized riot buster. My only question is that the closer you get to the blockade will we see an increase or inclusion of police enemies? With that; I'd really love to see the entry of that female police officer from MAM complete with her own H interactions with the splicers and Onyx. These interactions of the police officer could include single and dual interactions with Onyx, single or tag teaming the splicers, the bioreapers. The options are ridiculous. As for the move set of the vioreapers, they need to have limited utilitiy while they are on the ground and be at hims in the air. I'm with MangoFishSocks on how to make this Vio have the bite but make it a ground limited attack. While the vio is in the air the paralyzing stinger is available, a swift but LOW damage charge attack so we may learn from it and a medium damage high wind up time dive attack. While in the air the vio needs a dive H attack, and a pounce H attack while on the ground. Unlike humans, vios dont look like they want to share much but that's just speculation and I'd really like to see it.


Honestly, they would have my heart forever if they include lots of female enemies who can have their armor broken and enemies turn on them instead. ^//^ It'd be a cool "tactical" mechanic too, but you just don't get to see enough "unintended consequences" with female enemies and their minions in...well, anything.

Jamie C.

Are you thinking something like Parasite in city from DL site cause they had female enemies that the zombies would get distracted with. Interesting Female splicers I would like to see that, that would definitely add some flavor. But I know there is Tentacle but what if they were to add something akin to face huggers where like vore pups from MAM they mainly have H-face attacks. Followed by low dps strangle attacks to slow onyx down.


I'm doubling down on both this face hugger biomonster idea and this female enemy/collateral damage idea. Whether it's for Pure Onyx or MatM. A small monster like that just meshes so well with the bigger ones for multi-teaming along with the fact that the larger biomonsters would probably favor the groin for breeding and the face hugger would favor... Well... The face. And what's to stop corrupt cops (and let's be honest, they're not exactly upstanding citizens if they take advantage of the girls) from taking advantage of the female cops and splicers out of view of their superiors, if any of them are even non-corrupt? Not to mention the biomonsters being indiscriminate in their females.