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Only 4 images? Perhaps... but that's 3 whole reworked sprites, start to finish- expressions and outfits too! And then there's the Shen there, but we'll get to him in a second.

Next week I plan to keep myself busy, especially since Final Fantasy XVI comes out this upcoming Thursday(!) and I am ridiculously hyped. 

So! Let's go over this lot before I get to the extra small(?) decision I've made to ease up something.

1. Atlas!

As with all the paragons, I created this rework by first outlining the structure of his skull. This allowed me to place his beard in a way that feels more natural! On top of that, I decided to lean more into his suave-ness, like the soft edges of a finely cut gem. I'm very proud of these three, but Atlas's glow up especially has me feeling pretty dang good. The man is one of the most important men at Sihai, after all- he should look the part!

2. Aquilo!

Jorge's pops got a more grounded design and a saggier belly! Though the glow effect hisn't all too feasible (...kinda, you'll see what I mean later...) with these sprites, I feel that the non-glowing fur gives it a sort of snow effect. On top of that, I changed the way I render the ice on his horns, the ice of his cane, and added some ice to the tip of his tail. I'm really proud with how all of them came out!

3. Som!

Som is a character that was designed by one of my patrons (and a friend of mine), so obviously I needed to try my best to make him look 100/10. His design, like the other paragons, looks more grounded with less glows in play, but it reminds me of the fluff of a soft, warm blanket... plus, the glow that he does have on those marks on his body remind me of a night light, and that's kinda cute! I'm looking forward to showing you all the role Som has in Sihai's Legacy C:

4. Shen?

Hear me out, he still has his resprite voucher!! It's ok!! I'm not breaking my word!!!!

Jokes (but not really) aside, I'm honestly kinda pleased at the issues I see with Shen's older sprite. I remember that, for a long time after I made that sprite, I still couldn't see an issue with it and felt that he was totally fine. Now, I can't feel the same way anymore and it really makes me feel that I've grown as an artist.

That introspection aside, that is most of the reason- tuning up and fixing up his sprite to a better standard as one last update before the long haul to the end of the game. As you may notice, I have also lengthened his dick. This is because I think it is funny.


long shen



(...Also by making him long long man it gives him a sorta niche within not just the main 5 boys, but also the paragons as a whole...)

And as a side note, this sketch isn't gonna be a 1 to 1 what his new sprite will look like. I still need to experiment a bit with the angles and proportions, but I believe (from a glance) I'll have to sorta.... leaaaan shen back some. Maybe broaden out his back a tad.

Ok, now. The decision I came to. It's likely a temporary one in some fashion, so don't boil your britches about it- long story short, the dong toggle is ALSO a pain in the ass for now. On top of needing sprites to have different versions for different dongs, CGs even need to be different and descriptions often have to be written twice to account of the differences or be vague enough to fit either. Some NSFW scenes in the future would even have to be completely different depending on dong toggle. Is this a bad thing? No! Would it even be fun? Yep! Is it worth it?



Not... for now. To put it a bit into scale, there are literally like 57 different characters. This isn't necessarily relevant, mind you, as a lot of these are files for characters that aren't in game yet or may not even show up in game, or who wouldn't have a dong toggle anyway. Regardless, those are actually the minority in that selection. There are a LOT of dicks, and there would be a LOT of dongs to toggle. Add onto the fact that the NSFW CGs CURRENTLY in the game are... uh, quite the number, and how some bulges would need to be adjusted even in sfw stuff and minicgs and like. It's a lot.

Do I want to say goodbye entirely to the dong toggle idea? No! In fact, I'd love to toy with it- but chances are, I may just keep it to those special episodes (like the christmas episode) I mention every now and then. We'll see exactly to what extent, but for now I'll likely be reverting everyone to a baseline human dong and going from there- at least for the base game.

Who knows, maybe I could do something funny when the game is finally complete, like a grand dong toggle update for a sort of new game+ <:)

Anyhow, see you all next week! I'll try to post something before I get completely and utterly absorbed into the world of FFXVI C:

I wonder if I should make a post on twitter when I make these status updates, maybe with a crop of one of them as a sorta teaser...




I'm going to miss having a knotty Richard (the robe sprites were cute with it), and seeing shen play around in the one scene, but the dong toggle makes sense for waiting until you have all the scenes laid out. That way you can go through and make a checklist of what needs to be redrawn or rewritten if the toggle comes back in, if only to make sure that it's done the way you'd like it to be. The men look great! I love getting to see more of Som all at once here! And the nightlight aspect of him is indeed cute