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One serious thing and two less-than-serious things here. Was gone for a chunk of the week and found out one of my goals was a bit silly at the time, so I'll be doing Aquilo, Atlas, and Som's resprites this upcoming week, on top of the other things I plan on doing.

As for what I did get done...

1. Cass!

It's kinda funny that prolly one of (if not THE) beefiest character in this game is a lady. Not exactly what you'd expect in a gay as hell dating sim huh?

2. Paul's backside?

I did it at a request and honestly it was pretty fun to draw Paul's butt. I'll probably do it again for at least the main characters, especially as it'll let me make the booty butt fuckstation more accurate.

3 and 4. Jehu?? (Again?)

This is mostly a dong change, but you can see on the last one that he has some new expression pieces and some extra shading on his butt. The main goal of this was to make Jehu a bit more monstrous and, in some manner of speaking, "scary" down there. I mostly made him longer flaccid for fun, but making his hard dick so veiny and more lumpy and such deffo makes it look scarier. Some might say it looks uglier too, like ur first thought upon seeing it irl might be something like "eugh?" and honestly that's kinda what I'm going for.

Also, like Paul, he's still uncut. My justification for him is that idk maybe turbo big dongs can just do that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the REAL justification, however, is that it looks a lot more blunt when the foreskin is pulled back, so it looks more menacing. At least, that's how I feel.

(got some more writing stuff done while I was out, thank goodness)

Next week should hopefully go smoother than this for progress. I've been falling asleep and waking up a lil better recently, so here's hoping I can get some turbo progress done soon! WIthout burning out!




Appreciate Cass and her being visibly strong. Buff gals are always neat to see, in my book (also it makes her dad seem more adorable by comparison) Paul assets being Paul assets is always good. Nice idea for the main character posteriors, even if they don't make it in-game proper and are used as reference for scenes and the booty station As for uncut turbo big dongs, I think the usual approach is foreskin that only manages to cover the edge of the glans, but shows the rest of it (if people rally for a visible change). What he's got here is probably more likely if most of the size was achieved during or post-puberty? Biology is weird by default, so even though dick morphology sounds like it should be simple, it's not. =_= I do understand the purpose in trying to make Jehu dimensionally intimidating, and I think you're doing good in that part of the redesign short of also giving him a [spoiler?] from [spoiler???] side of the family. For fully humanoid bits that lead into one of the world-building dialogues (despite MC being horny), I think you're doing well for dimensionally intimidating. TLDR: Cass ✨💪✨. Paul ✨🍑✨. Jehu is good and redesign fits idea. Bodies are weird. Variation idea offered if needed in the future. Smooch Jehu nose (not in the above paragraph, but I want to 💋🐗💦)


Sorry my comments are always so long or weird, I really only see these updates when it's late where I am and brain just wants to dump feedback on all presented aspects in the hopes that any of it helps development or creator's confidence in work


Great art and updates! Cass looks great, Paul has a sexy booty, and love the small small changes with Jehu. Glad you're getting the writing done too. :) I especially like the idea/concept of doing the butts and backsides to not only get a sense of size/shape/proportions, but also getting a good look at all the sexy nude/semi-clothed/clothed look at everybody's butts and backsides!