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There's just 5 (I think) more sprites I have to get out of the way before all the sprite stuff is done, assuming I haven't missed anything! There might still be so much work (mainly with CGs and backgrounds and music and writing and- yeah) but being so close to finishing up such a massive part of the relaunch is really encouraging! At this point, it's just Matt, Aquilo, Cass, Atlas, and Som, the latter two of those will be getting bigger sprite updates a la Sid here, but...

From here on out, I'm going to be committed to not doing major sprite updates until the very, very end of the game!

So let's run through these 5 pics real quick and what they mean!

1. Mudan!

Honestly, massive glow-up. She's not quite done as I still need to make a poncho for her, but she's nearly complete. Funny thing- when I was working on her, I took a break to toy with Paul for a bit (mostly just to darken the tip of his tail) and the sheer whiplash from looking at her to looking at the sheer thick hunk of Man that is Paul was like, insane.

2. Sid!

He's where most of my time went, actually. Turns out that making the coughing sprite is still very difficult! I did find a way to make it ~easier~ than before, so at least there's that.

3. Paul?

Speaking of thick men, I had three goals in mind for Paul here. One, make my friend down bad. Two, un-thumb his head. Three, enhance his butt and balls. I believe I succeeded at all 3! Also just for the record: though he looks like he lost his foreskin, it's actually still uncut- just naturally sits back instead of covering the head. There you go, Paul foreskin lore.

On a similar note (and on something I may have said already), I intend on going back over the bulges and butts n such of the main boys and their outfits before the relaunch releases. I believe that I need to make those boys look the Best compared to the side characters, considering that they should really be the stars of the show.

4. New title screen!

...Still a very hefty work-in-progress. I know what it is I want to do, but the idea is fairly ambitious for what I've currently done. I'll make something worth seeing- not because I'm confident in my skills, but because I'm confident that I simply have to. So, I will.

In drawing this new title screen, I doodled a little Jehu while I was explaining something. This leads us to...

4b. Jehu?

Yeah, nothing much really to say here. I took the sketch and enhanced it because I thought it looked cute. Who knows, maybe I'll stick this design on a sticker some day! That'd be cute C:




I honestly thought it was the Jehu doll at first. Sid certainly fills out those work clothes now (also congrats on finding an easier way to get the cough to work)! Mudan definitely looks a lot better now, good job with her. And Paul... the new enhancements, dear lord... 💖 As for foreskin lore, hopefully that's possible without him having to manually roll it back a bit every time he puts it back in his underwear. I'll trust whatever research and/or story gathering you've invested into that matter, if it becomes relevant beyond thirst reasons