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Hello my friends

Simple post today, but exclusive to you my friends

The first Is really old, its date has it at 9 years old but it was created a few years before that, with hand written dialogue as well

Second is a finished piece from a while ago, completed, but I was never happy with the presentation of the idea. I fell it can and will be done better.

Big Safe Hugs




Steph H

These are positively lovely! I can scarcely imagine what Andy was thinking whilst penning her acceptance letter!


Beautiful....always been a fan of vintage Andy. Your art has evolved as all good artists do and has become truly wonderful but i still love seeing the classic pictures. I still say you should put a book together That shows your art over the yrs. I would love to see the evolution your art has gone through together in one book. Just an idea but you know I would buy it and I know there are others that would also. I just ask that if you did go forward with it. That I could be first in line....😁. As for the second piece I agree with S. It’s beautiful and the bar you set for yourself is extremely high. The picture looks great but I’m sure there is some detail in the dress or the background that is not perfect. Then again that is what gives your already beautiful art a little something special. The attention to detail you give your art to me shows how much love you put into every piece. So thank you for that. I love The frills on his petticoats And his little apron. As for his hesitation....I’m sure he is thinking how fast everything is going. Since this is probably towards the beginning of his adventures. It was just the other day when it was cold and rainy outside that his aunt took his hand and led him upstairs into her room and sat him down and showed him how beautiful he could be. Sure he was okay with dressing up for his aunt(and secretly quite happy and enjoying the beautiful clothes his Aunt would get for him)...this though was something that left him speechless...surely his aunt wouldn’t send him away to a school dedicated to bringing out shy sissies inner beauty. He had to say something and voice his uncertainties in being sent away. Sadly what came out was ...Yes Miss. If only he could see in the future and see how truly happy he is and what a wild adventure he is about to begin. His aunt truly loved her nephew and already knew what he always thought was his deepest secret. Truly wonderful my friend. All my best xxxx

Andy Latex

Thank you my dear friend, you are all so kind and thoughtful with your comments ,it makes it all worth while. You tell such a sweet story in such a small time, i can imagine it all. A book I think would be fun to do, but it would open up another front to fight on and I am getting a bit stretched out of shape right now. However I have my friends and the world of sweet Andy to settle me down XXXX