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Hello Friends XX

Here are just a few of the variations and rough workings for Andys rather sticky mistake whilst caring for a potted plant.

Some showing the interior of the plant filling with juice, whilst others show the leaves as they wrap him up all hot and tight.

It's the Little details I have fun with





Just wishful thinking on my part.


Andy really should pay attention when his aunt is talking to him. Especially when it’s for his well being. Oh well a lesson learned. On the plus side at least No body would see him in this position except his aunt........Except that Andrew forgot that today is Tuesday and that’s when his aunt has hear friends over. Hopefully the embarrassment of being seen by aunt Janes friends will be punishment enough for not listening to his aunts instructions. Wonderful imagination as always. It does make you wonder why aunt Jane who loves latex so much has a plant that can release slime that dissolves it. Quite a conundrum.....which I adore 😁. As always I love it....xxxxx

Andy Latex

Hmmm maybe the local botany society might be interested. It would make a very interesting talk by the local professor. I am sure there would need to be lots of scientific research carried out. A genuine living rubber plant in full flower, very rare and it;s beautiful fruit even rarer. See what you have done my friend, Inspiration is flowing XXX