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Hello Friends

Here we have three classic Christeen stories of poor sweet Chris.

However the 4th is me messing with Christeens art, something i think we all might do to a degree if we get the chance. 

 But before i had the nerve to create my own art, i would re work Christeens characters to fill my own fantasies. The shoulders of Giants you might say. But I added a little latex just to bring it to me.

  I think it is still fun





Always hard when playing with a new art style. In saying that I love it. That little pink babydoll dress is gorgeous would love to see Andrew in it...hint hint...😁. The other latex hobble dress is also amazing. Though Andrews dress is the true winner. I love the shyness and uncertainty you were able to make Andrew have with just a pose. You can practically see Andrew grip harder on his towel as he tries to wrap himself even more in it. Beautiful my friend simply beautiful. Hopefully that Wonderful pink dress will make it in to your regular work....amazing work for just playing around. Though knowing you I’m sure there were some long hrs to get it just the way you wanted.. details details details....😁


I agree with Queenofmy about the 4th one. Also, The woman on the right talking is quite nice, pose and outfit/heels to die for. One of my favs in the older ones. I like the pose in the 2nd with his new chastity device. It's like 'What have you done to me!'


Surprise! . . . with many more to come. The first has him as lovely as ever and well on his way down the path to femininity. It would seem the second back tracks and something must be done with his hands. The collar is a bit much, but it will be a constant reminder and it is not as if the matrons have not encountered this before. Perhaps have him change out of those God awful tights as a distraction? Even a step further back in the third. Looks as if he may have some make-up on already. Perhaps a prectice session on him, them surprise!.


darn that button again, then the fourth, at least a gurl gets to go to Paris, hopefully, and not in Summer in Latex.

Andy Latex

Hello My friend, yes I think that fluffy Pink dress needs a home in Andys wardrobe. I played a lot with Christeens art she was my inspiration to let my own art free. I think I owe our blog to her really, just as I owe so much of this to you XXX