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Hello Patrons xxx

4 old pieces today, pretty un-related to each other, but they are fun

The first is a full and unpublished piece, from a fair while ago now,

The next is just an image of our Andy polishing ,a then red haired Aunt Jane's dress.

Then we have Andy in a full Victorian dress, this image was used somewhere.

finally, we have Andy seeing what price would be paid for putting on a gram of weight. hours on the treadmill in a latex sweat suit.




I have said it before but I am always amazed at watching your art evolve. From way back when to now. I love them all but my naughty side has won out and the plugged and gagged and completely covered in latex and strapped to a treadmill has taken it for me for my favorite of these pictures. Though I need to come up with a new word. Your art has given me so many favorites that I need to have a favorite favorite....lol. Though more than likely that will get full to and then I’m going to have to make a favorite of my favorite favorite....lol. Sigh so much latex artwork and so much time to look at it all...😁. Look at that I found a positive out of this whole quarantine thing. Yay yay. Thank you my friend for the pictures and for the fun your art always brings me...😁 xxxxxx


It would seem that your early thoughts had Andrew as healthy as his Auntie. I hope she did not put him under the knife to hurry the process.

Andy Latex

Thank you my dear friend. I look at them now and find them very exciting as far as my ideas are concerned, but so far from what my art is now that I can hardly trace my own route. But as I say all the ideas are there from the start. There was even some arly art which never made it onto a digital carrier which was lost. You should have read my big story, Prisoners of Eroticonstar 4 that was some wild writing for a 14/15 year old. If anyone can find a positive in all this it would be you my friend XXXX

Andy Latex

Healthy lol I love that euphemism. I never gave it any thought in my early work, but I know a lot of it was down to clever use of shadow on his decollete xxx