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Hi Patrons

Big hugs hope all is well

   Here is a mix of things, some are just a few of the ideas I have pushed around for a while, the My Fair Lady outfit at the top, took ages to get right , but i  have never found a place for it yet, but maybe one day.

 The air Crew outfit was inspired by Slick Air, some of you may remember or know it.

The grey outfit was going to be Andy's outfit with Will at the bus stop, but i opted for the catsuit as it was more embarrassing to Andy and therefore required even more understanding from Will.

The next two are old completed works which I can't recall if I ever published, but they are still full of ideas, even if they don't fit into the rebooted "Andyverse"

and the last early one, has all the ideas and hints which would inform my art in the future.Andy in a pink dress, Jane, grey hair in tight leather pants.





I am a sucker for hats and these are a new addition to my imagination. Andy is stunning in white. I would love to see that dress from behind as well. The straps across his bank and the caress to his tight little bum. As memorable as that is, my minds comes back to the grey. The lapels in the center are a beautiful addition, but the unbuttoning on the right with a hint of chemise is perfection. Stay safe xxx

Andy Latex

Hi Lee, seems the MFL dress has hit a cord. I shall have to use it soon. I think I have a place for the grey and perhaps i need more hats, just for you my dear friend XXX


Thank you