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Hello Patrons. Thank you so very much for your support, you have no idea how much you are helping me during this difficult time. Bless you XXX

So image one, This goes way back to my ongoing love of Bollywood and Asian glamour. 

The second is a simple image of Andy being led into a restaurant by his Aunt Jane.With all eyes on them.

Third I think was the idea of Andy finding shelter from the rain in an old barn and being discovered and transformed into a maid for his troubles. perhaps the other maid, looking at him had also suffered the same fate

Finally a completed piece, which can speak for itself.






Always nice seeing your other ideas and to see how Andy’s looks have changed over the years. The Bollywood is a beautiful idea that I would love to see redone in your current style. All the jewelry and glamor I think would be an amazing piece to see. As for the barn.....he really should have seen the sign that said no trespassing.....oh well on the positive side at least he is in warm clothes now. I love the final piece. Hopefully Andy is paying attention to what the lady is doing and saying because this is going to be his new routine every morning. His aunt did tell him this was going to be a summer for new experiences. At least with the new uniforms he won’t have to worry about getting his clothes dirty. Though after seeing his new uniform that may not be much of a comfort..... and then remembering how big his Aunts house is he wonders how much of Paris he will be able to see.....Aunt Jane can’t believe how fast everything is moving. Just this morning she was tryin to figure how to introduce Andy to a whole new world for him and then getting that call out of the blue from her friend Helene asking if she could help her with a little project at work for a new ad campaign her company is trying for there new cosmetic line. She never could have believed how beautiful her nephew is turning out to be she always had an idea but wow and the fact he is not putting up a fuss and just letting her friend Helene turn him into such a beauty. This is going to be such a wonderful summer in Paris....oh what a wonderful future lays before him. Xxxx

Skinnie S

All lovely. The first brings back happy memories of some our first discussions and you recommending Jee Le (from Luck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ24foJkTN0 ). The second is a nice depiction of Aunt Jane getting Andy to look like her : Auntie and niece. While the third has Andy not only resigned to his fate of being transformed into sissy maid but finding that hs friend Robin has already been similarly confined by his Aunt. And the last: well that encapsulates so much of Andy's story and his journey from naive young man to a feminised beauty. All lovely xxxx

Andy Latex

Oh my you have such a wonderful imagination, If you could bottle it you'd make a mint. xxx

Andy Latex

I still have Jee Le on my playlist, such memory you have my friend and you know of my love for all things Bollywood, that deep tan did come out in the end LOL. Bless you my dear friend XX