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Blooper day! Not a ton of them for this video, but my lovely wife made this one particularly shenanigan-y 😂 I promise we're nice to each other in reality lmao, but 10 years of knowing each other sometimes equates to playful sass haha.

I finished Nier Replicant. Man oh man do I have conflicting thoughts. This should be a masterpiece, but it essentially forces you to play the second act of the game (THAT IS ALREADY REPETITIVE BY NATURE) three full ass times to see all of the content. Bonus scenes, bonus context, true endings. All that is locked behind doing the SAME story arc on repeat. Nier Automata at least had the decency to skip you through a lot you've already done and let you play as a different character with a different perspective for it's second run. Replicant could have gotten away with only a second run because there is info that completely re-contextualizes what is happening. That aspect was was brilliant.

But a THIRD time? With all of the errand running collect-athon stuff tied in to unlock arguably the coolest part of the game? Why would you step on your own dick like this man... If you cut out that 3rd run and the errands, if you can just completely eviscerate that from the game, it becomes one of the most beautiful gaming narratives I've ever played. And heck, it still is even with the clutter. But I can't say the clutter didn't almost ruin it for me haha. 

I hate to get stuck on that, and I wouldn't if the game wasn't tremendously remarkable otherwise. I wouldn't be this mad over spilled cereal. But this feels like someone dropped my filet mignon on the floor.

The combat blew me away, it's smooth as silk and stupidly satisfying. You already know the soundtrack was sex. The story and the characters were so beautifully done, so wonderfully fleshed out. Ending C hurt me. Ending D and E collectively was nothing short of breathtaking. Happy I played. Loved it, but wanted to be obsessed. The game's structure keeps me from EVER wanting to pick it up again.

Then I started Alan Wake! The first one, the remaster because I hear the sequel is heat. Lemme tell you something, THIS ONE is heat. Combat works, the town itself feels like a character, it's spooky, it's surreal. It's taking me back to my Control days; I think I might be a Remedy head.

Regarding 2024, I've realized based on my notes that I actually have quite a few video ideas for next year. Usually when a year finishes I'm scratching and clawing for something in January, but I have so much I can pull from at this point. I also have some stylistic ideas for how I might be editing videos down the line? I need a better camera as well as a couple of other things so don't expect immediate changes, but... there are some ideas brewing in the presentation department as well. So look forward to things getting weird next year.

Oh also maaaaybe I'll get back to regular Twitch streaming next year? The motivation left me in the past, but the motivation and the urge to stream more is definitely back now. It's just a matter of finding a good time slot for each week. If I did get back to it, what kind of stuff would you like to see me play?

All that to say, thank you for an extremely memorable year. I'll be off the grid for a few weeks since we're traveling for the holidays and I'm taking some proper time off work, but I'll back around New Years :)

Take care everyone! Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! Enjoy your time with your loved ones and I'll see you soon!


Wendriel Le Fay

Love the bloopers, as always. :) Your wife was correct about holding the bottle with your opposite hand, but it was very charming to see the banter between the two of you in that moment. Congratulations on finishing Replicant! I remember feeling the same about the original PS3 version, that the second playthrough was fine but after that I was bored. I put the Nier games in the same category Joseph Anderson did Darkest Dungeon: "They succeeded in making exactly the game they set out to make, but I hate it and can't stand playing it." I played Alan Wake when it first released and I'm considering picking it back up. It didn't wow me back then- I found Alan boring and a lot of the levels very finicky about what constitutes instant death. But perhaps I'd like it more now. I have heard that the sequel is incredible and I'm interested in that, but at the same time, nothing Remedy has done has ever really grabbed me. Going to leave it off the backlog for now. :) So glad that you're inspired for 2024! I'm not much for game streams- the size of the audience can be a bit overwhelming- but I think that anything you play on stream would be fun to watch. :) Happy Holidays and New Year to you and your family! Take care.


Oh my goodness, your wife is a gem. She knows what’s up! Love the banter and your Christmas tree! That’s really interesting you felt that way about Replicant. I preferred that to what Automata does because I was so mad that I couldn’t continue the story and had to replay the first half, even though you did have a different character to control. And don’t get me wrong I LOVE Nines. (My phone is named ha after him, lol.) I don’t know. Something about the structure of Automata really pulled me out of the story where as Replicant I was pleased to only have to replay the second half of it. Then again, I knew how many times I had to play it so only did the side quests one time since I knew that was all I needed to get ending E. I do agree however, that the content added for endings C/D is not nearly enough to make it worthwhile. I am playing it again, and likely will again, but Ending B is my favorite so I’ll probably just play through to that if I ever get that far. I mostly just love “hanging out” with Liam O’Brien and Laura Bailey lol. Wish it wasn’t so much work to get ending E because I would like to replay that again. Maybe I just gotta make a save file that’s right before that so I can just go back and play that ending instead. I just got to the story in Grimoire Nier that ending E is based off of and I’m excited to read it. The story Little Mermaid that the shipwreck/postman quest is in the game was INCREDIBLE to experience. They did a really good job adapting it, so I’m excited to see how they adapted this story into Ending E. Also though, did you appreciate that the two androids in ending E are voiced by the same actors as 2B and 9S? Cause I just loved that tiny little nod. Especially considering most people likely played Automata before Replicant. So happy to hear you’re looking forward to 2024! It will be a good year. Sending you all the positive energies and good vibes for this relaxing holiday!


Remind me next stream to talk about this game with you lmao, there's so much to unpack about but I did NOT know about the two androids in ending E's VAs! That's insane! Such a cheeky little easter egg haha