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I'm BACK bitches. Last we spoke I was hopping off the grid for a bit and above you'll find a lil something I cooked up to recap my previous 3 weeks. Played some games, did some sleeping, was very sick... BUT somehow we fit a little vacation in there.

We ate Lunchables by a waterfall, hiked through some ethereal ass fog, ate good food, sat in the hot tub while it stormed. I also captured a lot of hiking footage that I... might be using for a future video? Maybe? I thought about this potential video a lot on the hike and it feels like one of those backburner videos that will blossom into something big one day. I kind of brew it every time I take one of these super scenic vacations. 

Anyways, I'm feeling much better now and I've been shotgunning a couple of games and movies in an attempt to prepare for this next video that... funny enough is actually inspired by Nier Replicant. I know I kind of shat upon it in my last post, but there is a lot there to unpack and a trope I found in it that is just too remarkable not to talk about. It's a trope I've actually seen more in movies, so this next video will likely be about 50/50 games and movies with maybe a splash of anime if needed. 

Hopefully I remember how to write videos 😂

I'll be starting production on that this week since I've finally watched/played everything I need to. Look forward to that one dropping on January 27th!

Oh and in case you're curious, the backlog method is still going strong. I'm playing so much more now. Since the holidays began, I Finished Alan Wake, RE-played Control because I can do that now... what a game. Beat The Last Guardian, and now I'm solidly into Mario Wonder and Final Fantasy 7 Remake... which is another replay. I'm having fun. Oh and Alan Wake absolutely blew me away. I'm low key kind of obsessed with that universe now. AND HOLY MOLY. That song by the Old Gods of Asgard about The Lady of the Light? It's up there with Weight of the World for all timer video game track to me. My soul just flutters into the sky when I hear this song, it's unreal. 

I'm going to try and do a better job of finding games off the beaten path this year, I've decided. I'm dedicating a day a month to just sit down and hunt down obscure yet well unique stuff that's coming out so that I can talk about media that people might be missing. So that said, be on the lookout for games and movies like that for me! This is the year to spam recommendations at me haha, so don't be shy.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Let's go kick 2024's ass! 💯



Wow, that forest is beautiful. Makes me want to restart hiking, used to do it a lot, then moved to another town and it's been a while. Definitely adding a couples of places this summer! Also glad you are feeling better and welcome back! As for recommendations, I'm not sure if you had already played them, but if I can recommend indies titles : artful escape/omori/coffee talk/hypnospace outlaw/gorogoa/there is no game wrong dimension/va-11 ha11a/rakuen/bastion/transistor/pyre/to the moon/night in the wood/the big con/turnip boy/florence/oxenfree/abzu/orwell/if found/her story/firewatch/flower/gone home/gibbous/donnut county


Where did you go?! I felt like that video was of an enchanted forest and I must go there. There is nothing about damp, misty, broken stone stairs in a “dying” forest aesthetic that just brings me so much peace and joy. Looks like it was an amazing trip. Especially the lunchables by a waterfall! xD I haven’t had one of those in ages. I was going to replay FFVII Remake too, but then I wanted to hang out with my friends in Dragon Age 2 again so decided to play that for the 4th time lol. Looking forward to the next video! And also any stream wherein I can hear your full thoughts on Replicant hahaha As for movie recs, a couple of my friends and I are trying to watch every A24 movie ever made (Midsommer, Everything, Everywhere All at Once, Ex-Machina, etc.) They are our favorite studio because of how they treat their employees and they take a LOT of risks when it comes to the kind of movies they make. We just watched one called After Yang and while it has very soft world building, it was the most beautifully and uniquely shot film I’ve ever seen. The cinematography told just as much of the story as the characters and dialogs. Highly recommend! I also REALLY love Past Lives which came out last year. It’s a very slow paced film, but in my opinion, the most accurate portrayal of human relationships I’ve ever seen on screen. I am the worst at finding obscure games, but I do enjoy hidden gems of movies :)


Gonna spend some time in a bit going through these and seeing what I haven’t played/strikes me as interesting. Thanks so much Aqua! And yes, highly recommend getting back into hiking. So good for the soul!


It is in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee! Specifically the national park. Those mountains are kind of known for constantly being foggy like that apparently. It was an absolute vibe. Highly recommend 💯 And I get wanting to go back to dragon age to be with your “friends” again. That’s Callee and my exact justification for watching through New Girl for like a 5th time instead of starting a new show 😂 Oh you’ll get a LOT of replicant thoughts in this next video btw haha. Dammit I had no clue A24 made all of those! At separate points in time I’ve been interested in pretty much all of those. Sounds like I’ve found the Annapurna of film 😂 sign me up!