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Stop... Blooper time. 

What do I even say this week? You guys are amazing? This video was a pleasure to make? Seeing it all come together has me feeling some kind of way? Honestly, just... thank you all so very much for giving me a reason to do this. 

Enjoy the bloopers! Here's a couple of updates for ya:

-In case you missed it, the shirts are back on sale! Links below:

The MAN Shirt ▶ https://www.bonfire.com/man-backlog/

The Main Character Shirt ▶ https://www.bonfire.com/be-a-main-character/

-The last video of the year will be up on December 16th. Gonna be a tight window to get this done before I travel for the holidays, so send good vibes haha. I'm looking forward to this one. It will not be an hour long lmao.

-I might be cooking up a super secret suprise? We'll see how much time I can scrounge up. Keep your eyes peeled. 

-Making my way thru the Xenoblade 1 DLC now in between work, it feels good to be back on my JRPG bullshit.

That's all I've got for now! Have a spectacular week my friends.





Loved the video on the backlog. I too fall into the trap of wanting to roll credits on everything I start so I can check it off but I’ve found some games I just don’t connect with. I appreciate you talking about letting this go because it is something I’ve struggled with too but am getting better at. Keep up the great work!