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Hello my children. I hope your week is off to a delightful start.

I finished my first post-backlog era game; the Xenoblade 1 DLC, Future Connected. It was fun! My favorite part was how rushed I didn't feel haha, but it was super nice to get to see Melia step into a larger role in the narrative. My understanding is that it ties into XC3? Idk, loved it though.

And FINALLY I started Nier Replicant. I'm only about 4 hours in, but I love it here. it's just pleasant being in this world. But knowing Yoko Taro, let's hope that stays true lmao. Oh and get this, I'm actually ENJOYING side quests now. I'm actively seeking them out. God it's nice to just... take my damn time haha. Though I will say, fast travel would be nice. There is a lot of errand running but I'm so Zen now that I don't even really care. THEN the game had to hit me with what happened in the video above 😂 these mfs think they're hilarious. 

Production on the next viddy is coming along really nicely! I have a thumbnail, I have a script, I have about half of the footage and I'll probably be doing voiceover tomorrow or Wednesday. I may also draft up some more thumbnails for you all to vote on because I'm not sure if the one I have is the way to go. Stay tuned. Oh and, to be clear, this last video will be fun, but do not expect a certified hood classic haha. It's looking to be just under twenty minutes and is certainly something I've wanted to talk about for awhile now... But it's far from my best work simply because the research is scarce, my examples are... either brilliant or a stretch, and my conclusion is more of a "food for thought" thing than an actual resolution. Full disclosure haha, but I think it it'll still be fun.

Excited to get some rest over the holidays so I can really swing for the fences come next year. 

I'll be having the editing stream either this Friday or next Monday, just depends on where I am in the process, so get hype for that as well. Last viddy of 2023! You guys ready for 2024? Any new years resolutions? Let me know below, and see you soon :)


Mikhail Aristov

Hey Darryl, I've just watched your backlog video yesterday and one thing has been bugging me ever since: what emotion, exactly, does the person in the "Man" image experiencing at that moment, staring out over the water? I think I have experienced that feeling myself before but I lack the vocabulary to describe it, and I was wondering whether you have given it more thought already.


"Hood classic," eh? Are you perhaps a fan of Primm's Hood Cinema on YouTube? 👀