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Hey everyone, sorry for missing the weekly journal last week. I was having a bit of a crisis but it's all good now. I have some pretty substantial updates for you today so here we go.

1) New video on July 15th! It is in fact not the really deep twisted one I've been teasing, not yet. I don't think I'm in the right headspace to do that one justice right now and I want to knock it out of the park when I finally do make it. But nonethless, this next video should be fun and insightful.

2) After this video is done, I had planned to make another one for August 19th, then September 23rd but... I think I may actually take a proper break for August and just not make an episode.

I haven't missed a monthly upload in my entire 5 and a half years doing this and... for the first time, I truly feel the wear and tear of it. It kind of hit me last week that I've been doing this for half a decade now and despite little breaks here and there, traveling or not, I think I need a proper month away to just... not feel the heat of having to get something out. 

Something that usually happens during my little week long breaks is I feel myself stressing to make the most of the time because once that week is over, it's right back to the video grind and I think I just need some time where that "pressure" to rest isn't there. Nothing is set in stone, I haven't fully decided just yet. But I am stronly considering a proper "off season" at least just this once. I hope that's okay.

3) That said! If I do take that full month away, I'll be re-posting a remastered version of the old San's Wrestling video that the WWE took down. I'll fix all the copyrighted parts, add a few fun edits throughout to modernize some of the references, AND add some behind the scenes type quips and factoids on screen. Just a little something to  fill the void on the channel while I'm away. I hope that sounds fun.

4) Oh and if I do actually take this break, I'm going to fucking SHRED through my backlog. I'm already back to making good progress and if there is no video prod for a whole month, I think I can get a LOT of it done. 

So anyways, there's what's going on in my world. What's going on in yours? Thanks for being here. Thanks for watching. Thanks for caring. Seriously, thank you for caring about both the channel and for me as a person. You are all so incredibly unendingly kind. Take care, and have a damn good week. 



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