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It's upload week. Knees sweaty. Palms spaghetti. Mom's heavy.

I am drained lmao. It's been a week and it's only Tuesday. BUT. This means it's lofi editing stream day! Come hang out with me at 11CDT this morning if you'd like to watch me edit and chit-chat with me. We always have a lovely time on those and I'd be delighted to have you there.

Backlog updates:

Finished Shadow of the Colossus. Wanted to love it. Kind of hated it. Clunky than a mf, slow, tedious, frustrating navigation. The colossus fights were usually cool though. Again, I wanted to love it, because narratively and thematically it was tremendous. Just was not fun to play...

Also beat Abzu. Short, gorgeous, a delight in every way. Just like Kristen Bell.

Played a game called Milk Outside A Bag Of Milk Outside A Bag Of Milk. This felt like a game that demands a replay or two to fully appreciate the subtlety to it. I think it's actually pretty brilliant? But some of it went over my head. There could also be some dialogue that got lost in translation since I believe it was originally written in Russian. Worth a play or two.

And of course, I've put like 70 hours into street fighter at this point. If the backlog doesn't get beat in time, there's my scapegoat lmao.

I hope to see you for the editing stream later, I'll post the link then! Take care everyone :)


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