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Garibaldi finally springs his trap against Sheridan, and our fateful commander ends up in the most stylish of bar room brawls! 


Jumpgate #84 - The Face of the Enemy

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time.


Julie Carter

So to the discussion of Lyta using the same words as Garibaldi to describe the coming Telepath War, I always took that as a clue to the reveal at the end of the episode. They both use the same words because the words come from Bester.

Keith D. Jones

JMS talked about “the bar scene” in this episode on the Babylon-5 usenet group quite a bit when it first aired. While in college, JMS was mugged by a group of people, and he wanted the bar fight to resemble his experience of that mugging as closely as possible. If you want to know a lot more about that experience, go read Becoming Superman. Warning, that book is a harrowing and very depressing read. Since I’ve mentioned Becoming Superman and “the telepath” storyline was mentioned in the podcast–and I’m not sure how to say this without spoilers, so this’ll be vague–the experience of the telepath group was based rather loosely on JMS’ college experience in a cult. The end of his cult experience in no way resembles what happens to the telepath group in season five. If you want to learn a lot about JMS’ cult experience, go read Becoming Superman.