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What up, mini family?! First of all, hello to all the new patrons! I'm happy to have you guys here. This is a Behind-the-Scenes post where I talk about what's been going on the past week. Let's get it on! 

As I'm sure some of you know, I recently had Sam, Vince, and Jon over for a little minipainting bonanza. We played Age of Sigmar, we painted miniatures, we gabbed, and we ate food. It was pretty awesome. 

Here's Vince with the classic Vincey-V thumbs up pose!

Here's all the boys working on some minis. We actually did a joint diorama while they were here. 

The story behind the diorama was that a raiding greenskin army recently defeated a dwarven stronghold and are now about to begin pillaging all the gold from it. We posted this image to social media to see if everyone could guess who painted what and surprisingly, very few people got it completely right, and maybe 1/3-2/5 got 1-2 correct guesses. I painted the goblin in red armor.

This model came from the Warhammer Underworlds box set and usually features a pot of coals and a mushroom on his back, and a cooking stick but I did a little conversion to turn it into a spear and a pot o' gold to fit the theme of our diorama. We all had a lot of fun painting these minis and plan to do a scifi one in the future! I also painted this miniature for a recent video.

I had a lot of fun painting this miniature and experimenting with the color purple and subtly introducing yellow into the bone to draw more attention to it. Lastly, I've been spending a lot of time retro-fitting my setup for making streaming easier. It's a little complicated because at my desk I need to shoot video, stream, and record the podcast so trying to come up with a solution that doesn't make at least 1 of those more complicated, is a little challenging. I started by creating a list of all the things I thought I needed to make the best stream I could: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tn_DfoRc-8MZCqub2Hg6CpR_i4OfkbOV2qkWR1oesro/edit?usp=sharing

Here you can see a palette camera rigged above. My hope is to use 3 cameras for my stream: 1 main camera of the painting, a palette camera, and a face cam. I'm not big on using webcams, so that means I'll need to pick up a few more capture cards and some other items to get this stream rolling. That's all for now, time to go make some ethernet cables and measure some other runs. See you Friday for the stream! 


Wesley Walser

Awesome work on the dioramas fitting together. Very neat.


The stream went super well I thought this message by DonbyRongo

LP Wilson

When do you stream? It's on Twitch, right? Going to try to join tomorrow if I can, if it's happening :)


I switch it up, but today I'll be live at 1 on CST on twitch! There's a reminder on my Instagram story if that helps.

LP Wilson

Oh thanks! Perfect, yay Insta! Appreciate it, see you later today!