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Hiya mini family! As you know, I'm streaming regularly and uploading the VODs from that stream for patrons. I'd like to record these VODs separately and upload them. My initial thought was that I should use Vimeo because of it's paywall integration with Patreon, but there are a lot of convenient features we're leaving behind on Youtube. I'll leave it up to you guys. Let me know if you prefer Youtube, Vimeo, or it doesn't matter to you and we'll go from there!



I say both for preference. People may prefer one or the other. I'M TRYING TO HELP


It doesn’t matter to me. Patreon will have the links in the app and that’s all I care about is an easy way to get to them ;)

Tom Boucher

use vimeo as it'd be fun sticking it to the man aka youtube

Stephen Jedynak

I will likely find them either way.


Trying to think of something constructive to add to this conversation and all I can think of is that it's easier to cast YouTube content across my home network than embeded Vimeo content.


Whatever works for you, im.not fussed either way.


I love how there's a Rational Gaz and an Irrational Gaz, haha


Surely that was planned!