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I was teasing these changes to my Dark Wizard patrons, but the TL;DR is that I'm going to make less videos that are higher quality (2-3 a month), but also stream regularly on Fridays to replace that hole in my schedule. The Dark Wizard and higher role will get access to the stream VODs, but the streams will be free to watch live.

Make sure you read the description of this video <3

See you on Friday for the first stream! I'm going to get busy making some new and fancy assets for the stream! 


It's time for a change..

https://www.twitch.tv/miniac I really appreciate you for supporting me with your views, your time, your dollars, your shares, your everything. My job is amazing and you empower me to make the content I want to make. I live a blessed life and it's because of you. Thank you.



1 vid a month 4 vids a month. I just appreciate the content, you do you and I look forward to what’s to come. Where do I find the podcast?


Personally, I am happy to hear you’re making the change. I much prefer quality content over frequency. Good luck!


You can find the audio version here: http://www.trappedunderplastic.com/ and the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/c/trappedunderplastic


Kudos to you Scott for being self-aware and standing up for quality over quantity. Keep it going!

Alex Smith

OMG! How could you do this to us? I mean, anyone would think your sanity and mental health were important... 😂 On a serious note, kudos, it takes serious cojones to make such a big change. Excited to see what content is coming in the future!


Sounds good, Scott! Don't sweat it. Don't turn it into something you dread.


Still think you can pull in some more viewers by trying a BattleTech mini. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)


Can I have your stuff?! j/k You do you boo.


Its all going to work out just fine Scott. good luck with the new plan and format. I do hope to see a new original mini from you soon like the Duchess ....oh and thank you Amber ;-)


Great video Scott. Love the transparency and insight. I’ve been enjoying the wide range of content you put out and I’m excited to see how streaming fits into there.


stoked to see more "quality" (man, all of your vids are quality!) content. Not to mention mad respect for coming right out and saying that you won't be working on stuff that doesn't interest you. Way to show that you're not just in it for the cash. #HiFive


Hello Mrs Miniac!


Will you really paint/convert a titan in one of your next videos? The hand gesture you made was a little bit to small for one *g* doesn't matter. One needs to be comfortable in order to produce the best work, so I am on board with the changes


First off: hi &amp; thanks to Mrs. Miniac! And I agree with all the others: quality &gt; quantity (and even if Youtube "punishes" you for that approach, I'm sure all of your Patreons will love it)


I'm a new patron of your Patreon because of this video. My vote is for your live streams to be on YouTube instead if that other twitchy distribution method. If I don't catch them live, I'll be more likely to watch the recorded version on YouTube. Also, seeing how the "Mrs. Miniac" is working tirelessly behind the scenes and supporting your business at the same time is amazing. She is definitely a keeper! 😉 Learning that you have made this realization and have figured out that you need to make a pivot shows your viewers and fans that you know more about what you are doing than you think you do. Thanks for being an inspiration both within the miniature wargaming hobby and the YouTube creative scene. Please keep up the great work!


I am sure we can only benefit from this change. So many creators burn out or stick to what no longer works to the detriment of their channel. GLHF; you have got my pledge!


Just joined Patron because of the above video also, burn out is awful so a change early is good. Just gutted I cant join the top level subscribers! Guess I was too late to the party!


Yes, absolutely. I've had this last one commission hanging around for a while so I'm gonna slay it!


Thank you! "Punish" was possibly the wrong word for me to use. I would say the risk goes up. There are honestly MANY channels that post infrequently that have wild success, but of course you don't really know about the ones that don't have success because..well...they're not having success!


Gene!! Thanks for the support! My plan is to record a separate higher quality version of the stream and upload it to vimeo, actually. Vimeo has a nice integration with patreon where it actually locks the videos behind the paywall as opposed to YT. With YT, you are only able to use an "unlisted" video, which can be shared around. The same would be true for twitch. On twitch, you can enable it so only your subs see the VODs. Same concept, different tech!


Thank you, Clint! I am fortunate enough with my other revenue streams to not have to totally rely on those kinds of sponsorships, so it's me who should be thanking you!


I'm excited for streaming as well. The last couple I've done on YT have been a blast, the chat is an absolute riot


The new wood elves are currently being sculpted one at a time, but I haven't received any WIPs yet. I am eagerly awaiting!


I'll keep my eye on Battle Tech miniatures and if one catches my interest, I'll paint it up! No promises though, haha


I have been a supporter for some time now and I’ve always appreciated the effort that goes in behind the scenes to produce a quality production, find your happy and share don’t stress about feeding the algorithm


You do you, awesome as always. I'll keep supporting you regardless. And as someone who has gone throu "burnout", I fully support all reflektion and adjustments to keep your passion and handle the work load and stress and to keep it ata proper lvl 😊👌🏻


Thank you Miss Miniac ! : ) And to you good Sir, for the laughs and the enlightening advices ! but most importantly... stay true to YOUR vision ! Ok, that being said, I'd better go if I want to paint more minis...


Started backing the podcast last month, but decided to support you directly as well, simply because of the many tips &amp; tricks I learned over the years and your awesome videos. As others have said, you do you; I think you should do what makes you happy and in return it will make us happy :) Wish you all the best on your adventures and a massive thank you to Amber for doing such a fine job!


Am a fan of both your channel and the podcast. I've had a tumultuous few months that haven't left me loads of time to actually paint, but your content often keeps me in touch with the hobby! I thought there were some undertones in your recent work that suggested you might be feeling like this, so I'm really glad you're making some changes -- I hope they make you feel happier and more fulfilled in your work.


Hi Scott! Probably you don't remember but I initiated contact with you because I wanted to support you for the videos you had already released and not because of more stuff I wanted from you. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one on this. Appreciation is real, and giving money is not strictly related to "GIMME MAWR STUFF!". You come from an IT background, and I think this is a personality trait for people with this type of background. We tend to obsess over stuff and be perfectionists. It's never enough. This inevitably ends up in a burn-out, sooner or later. I've had mine in the past, and I have friends going through it right now. The pandemic also plays a role in this. If we're inside more, we tend to think more about what we need to do. It's essential to create the barriers and just learn to let go, and relax. I do see signals in you from a burn-out and I'm happy you took this step. I know it's not easy. I want you to know this has not changed a bit how I feel about wanting to support you financially. Less is sometimes better, and your in case, I think this definitely applies. Speaking for myself, since I became a Patreon, I was flooded with so much content from Patreon and Discord that honestly, I felt overwhelmed at the beginning and just decided to go back and watch your videos when the topic interests me. This is not saying the content is bad. I know it's good, and made with love, but time is limited and I have other stuff in my life. At the end of the day, this is my hobby. Not a job. :) I still see more of your old videos than your recent releases because that's what's important for me. Learning the basics of painting, getting some tips on more advanced techniques, and getting a laugh at your goofiness. So, again, it's a good move. Please don't burn-out (you can't be naturally funny if you're wasted :)). All the best

LP Wilson

Joined your Patreon now based on this video. Kudos to you, I'm excited for you to paint what you want and want to support that! I just started painted and have been really appreciating your content. Keep it up!


Thanks for the kind words, Hannah. I'm glad you enjoy the podcast and videos!


Hey Pedro! Thanks for letting me know your experience with becoming a patron. It helps me shape that experience in the future for other people with those comments in mind. I'm very grateful that you've supported me w/o the expectation of receiving more, that's definitely not where my head was it, but it's very nice to hear :)


Hello Scott... Scott here... probably your oldest patreon... :) Great video. 100% support. I watch because of the sincerity i think you provide to painting and your content. My only compliant is that i still can't paint like you! If you can figure out how to fix that.... well then.. you would really be on to something!! Keep it up! (oh my i just noticed that's what LP typed).