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Hello all!

Back again with another Blog Update. Before I go into what we're talking about today I wanted to make an announcement. At the moment my real life job is getting in the way of posting The Weekly Blog Updates. I don't really have time nor the energy to make a post so I will be making a slight change when they get posted. 

Weekly Blog Updates will now be posted on Mondays!

This will start next week so if you come by on Thursdays or Fridays looking for a Blog Update there will be none. I don't know if this will be a permanent thing but until January all the Blog Updates will be on Mondays now. 

Okay let's get into the blunt of it all. What have we been working on this week? Sadness that's what!

As a writer tasked with making a game with a good story, sexy scenes, and interesting quests I sometimes feel like I being held back a bit. Games with the lewdness are not meant to make you feel anything horny, because of that I wanted so many times to make quests that really hit you in the feels but couldn't. That has now changed. What caused the change? Watching The Flash on Netflix. The Flash has moments of action, comedy, sadness, happiness, etc. It does everything that I want in King's Fall and it pulls it off flawlessly. 

In the coming Henesys update there will be a quest that will make you feel the feels. Well hopefully. There will be HUGE ramifications coming to the Hero's adventure. Ones that he will set in motion because of how inexperienced he is. When this moment happens it will start a new mechanic that will show you what happens when you fail as a Hero. I will not spoil it but it will be a sort of set piece of the upcoming update. 

There are other quests involved with Henesys that also go into details about Heartbreak, losing a friend, etc. This is an H-Game but it will be one with characters that truly feel alive. Some of the writing I have done on this update is some of the greatest writing I have ever done. I hope many come to like what is being done here and appreciate how in depth this world is being built. 

Alright now enough of the feely feels. The other thing we are adding to the game is something people have been asking about since day 1. An actual controllable chibi. 

Kind of heh. In the Maple universe there are things known as Jump Quests. Popular platforming stages that reward the player with items depending on how quickly they go through it. We will be adding it soon and it's looking to be in the Part 2 of Henesys update or maybe further. Depends. Regardless we will be making additional set pieces with this system in place. Now before you get excited about it, this game is still primarily a clicker. 90% of the time you will only have the mouse. The other 10% will playable characters in Jump Quests, Set pieces, etc. More on this later but we hope you all look forward to this!

The 3rd thing we wanted to talk about it some QOL stuff we have added to the game. The first thing is we are adding Special Effects that play throughout the scenes to better showcase what is going on. Take the Hero for example. Many times he has to gather his focus to unleash his many abilities. Before one would have to use your imagination but now you will get an actual visual cue. Here are 2 of these Special Effects you will see.

We will be adding a few of these to spice up what is happening in all the scenes, something that a majority of games in the H-Game scene don't even try to do. Many of these special effects will be added over time but for now the game should inspire a fresh playthrough to see what these effects are like in the dialogue. 

The 2nd QOL is More Music! As many of you all know you majorly only listen to one song on repeat and that is the song of the map you are in. Some like it, some feel it gets old. Well we have added 7 songs to the game that will now play depending on what is going on. Sad Moment? Sad song will play. Fighting a Horde of Monsters? A Fighting song will be heard. Death is talking with you? A dark forboding song will play. Today I added Music to 50+ quests so you should now hear something different rather than a song that doesn't always fit the mood. We might add more music later but we are still discussing it. 

With these 2 updates we hope to make the game twice as better and much more tolerable. It's the main reason why this update has taken so long to make. We are constantly making changes and trying to improve the overall experience so that everyone has the smoothest playthrough  possible. 

That pretty much wraps up this weeks Blog Update which is a doozy heh. Many other things will be added to this update as we near completion. In the coming days we will be releasing another Free Update for Free Mode which will include Lith. Our artists Jelly has been busy with some IRL developments and trying to do commissions so he can get money but he will be returning to work on the project this week. We hope to have some art for you all by the coming weekend. 

We again want to thank all of our Patrons. You keep us floating by. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We also want to thank the fans that are still following development. We do this for you! 

Talk with you next Monday as we still have so much to show you! Take care!


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