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Welcome all to another week and thus another Blog Update as we share details about the upcoming update for King's Fall. 

As I said last week I was busy trying to write out a crap ton of new quests and baka and I got to talking. Since Free Mode is now going to be getting monthly updates we wanted to diversify the skill sets of bother Free Mode and King's Fall. With that we have now removed 3 Skills from King's Fall. What are we replacing them with? Exclusive ones. Today we will be showing off 2 new skills out of 4 that you will be obtaining in the coming  Henesys update.

The first look you will be seeing is going to be the last reward for following Leonore's Questline. To avoid major spoilers I will skip over somethings but what will happen is Leonore and the MC will get into a predicament that will force them to channel their Darkness Blast that was teased in the Lith Harbor questline. At the end of that you will be given a new weapon type and a skill that you can use with it called Knights Blast. This skill reduces HP and MP BUT the damage output is almost double to that you are used to per skill level. With this you will be able to kill monsters like Mano with ease. This will be a game changer and we hope players love swapping weapons from Swords to Cannons back to Swords. 

Here is a sneak peak of how it looks like in battle. Just a small taste at level 1. 

The 2nd skill is one we have hinted at before but this one is part of 2 Skills you receive as part of Asuna's questline. 

Seeing as how the MC has never been properly trained to be a Swordsman, Asuna will fit a role that will evolve the MC into something a lot more well versed. One of the rewards you get in part 2 of her Character Quest is The Knights Strike. Another ability that will reduce your max HP and MP BUT will triple your damage potential. A single use of this ability will one shot about 1/3rd of the monsters you have seen and will give you some additional help with the newer monsters you will find around Henesys. The 2nd and final ability you learn is going to be a secret until you finish Asuna's questline but with it, Mobs will be a thing of the past. 

These new skills will add more gameplay loops for the player and will also add major plot developments for each one. On top of this we are also testing a new Cinematic System. One that will dwelve deeper into the past of the King, his fallen brother, the Demon King, and Death himself. This is a sneak peak of that new map which should debut with this coming update. More on what this map means later.

That should wrap up this weeks Blog Update. This weekend Baka and I will be adding the other skills and re-adjusting their stats and names a bit. Also next week our artist Jelly should be back to give us some new art so any of our patrons will be able to see what he has for you. Next week we will either talk about Asuna's Character Quest or something else. Depends on if the art for her is done but we shall see. 

Again we thank all of our Patrons and fans! You guys allow us to work on King's Fall effectively so we hope to have a release date for you all in the coming days. Thank you from everyone at BGE.

See you all next week!


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