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Hello all!

Been awhile since I last wrote one of these but thought the time was right to bring these back. So first off we wanted to say our thanks to all the feedback. Today we just put out the last (Fingers crossed) update for 0.2 that should fix everything in the game that had bugged out. Many of you are probably wondering why this update was so buggy? Well we got really ambitious is why lol. 

As I was writing everything for 0.2 I pretty much smushed the Demo and the update for 0.2 together and thought everything would be fine but it really wasn't. We had so much old data in the demo that just didn't do anything so it took awhile to really get in there and fix what we needed. Many quests led nowhere because the code we have running, accounts for the quest ending but since many NPC's stay on the map, that code doesn't trigger the next quest. We now (especially I) know what to do when linking quests together. This update made me learn a lot about how to properly set things up on top of how to take care of quests. 0.2.1 should have a MUCH smoother release because of everything you guys reported, this being our first actual update to King's Fall made it a very valuable learning experience. 

Alright yadda yadda yadda, time to talk about what comes NEXT. 

0.2.1's planning is already underway and has been in the planning stages since about half way of last month. We're breaking up the Updates where whole numbers like 0.2 will be about the main islands where 0.2.X will be about what's in those islands. Many concepts of 0.2 will be carried over but there will be much more focus on the story and the introduction of new systems and of course characters. To tease some of you, there are 2 highly known characters in the *ahem* anime world that will be making their debut in the 0.2.1 update. We won't be naming them for awhile but those who know about the Maple universe will know who they are. 

On top of all the story bits and such, there will also be some more quests focused on Administrator (Winner of the poll we had last week) as well as the continuation of the characters like Leonore and her and the MC's relationship being built for future use. Transformations anyone? 

There will also be the addition of Maple Cards as well. The basic use of them is already in the game but how they work in King's Fall has yet to be explained. There will be more secrets and such we will keep close to the chest until we're ready to talk about them but we can for sure tell you there will be at least 1 Character Quest as well. 

This next update will also introduce a new town of which is very large. So large in fact that releasing it in 1 update might take us far too long so we might end up splitting it in half. We don't really know ourselves but by the end of this month we will have more to talk about that.

So 0.2d check. 0.2.1 discussion check. What's left? Well we still need to discuss what is going to happen in August. 

So in the comings days/weeks we will be holding polls about certain characters and the game itself. These will tell us how you want some of them (Not all characters) to be treated in the future. This will give us feedback on a lot so keep your eyes peeled for them. On top of this we want to hear about QOL updates we should add as well. The number 1 we kept hearing was a Quest Log of which we're still pondering. This little discussion will be up tomorrow so once you see it, let us know what we can do to make the game better, more fluid, etc! This game isn't just for us at BGE but it's for you, the community. 

I think that should be it on what you get today, what you get tomorrow, and of course what to expect in the near future as 0.2.1 begins development.

Here are the links for 0.2d of which you can transfer your save by going to Data>UI and copying the ui.char.dat file over to 0.2d. 




Edit: If your exe crashes with a new arrow in the Town Info box because of a new arrow, try this. 


Any bugs let us know here or on Discord. Enjoy!


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