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Hello all!

As stated in the previous Blog Update we are looking to see what we can improve upon for King's Fall. Many have waited until bugs were ironed out to say what they wanted in terms of QOL stuff. Many have already said theirs but we want to make sure all voice are being accounted for. 

The one thing that people have asked us about is a Quest Journal that keeps track of what Quest you are on and which you have completed already. This is being looked at currently. We don't know how we will implement it but we are considering all angles. 

At this point we are looking to hear how things are progressing. Up to the Harbor you are still in the opening sections of the game so certain things like Skills, Items, Equipment and such are not being introduced until a little later from here where we can actually leave the early game and start pushing players towards the mid game stuff. At the moment we are not looking for feedback on any of that since we haven't added much to those parts of the game but they are being expanded upon as we journey towards the towns. 

What we ARE looking for in terms of where we can improve upon is how things work. When the Demo released we got many complaints about the portals, stats, and the spawning system. All of those were addressed and we have yet to have any complaints about any of those things. Do portals work? Is the bestiary useful?  etc. 

On top of this I as the writer want to hear back on the writing. One complaint we got during the demo is the lack of urgency of which I took to heart. I tried to make every character more important in their own world and tried to make them more interesting as well as their story. On top of this I tried to make more sexy scenes with proper writing to really tease the player. Things like the Dream Scenes were made for that exact reason. Sexy scenes that you can repeat and let your imagination carry you. 

All those things I am trying to get feedback, ideas, and of course ways to improve everything as we move over to a new update and a new town with dozens of new characters. 

You can write any suggestions here, where ever this link is shared, or over on the Public Discussion channel on our Discord. We really want to hear all voice here as we want King's Fall to be BETTER not just stay the same and stagnant. Don't be afraid to share whatever you have, we really want your ideas/suggestions.


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