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Hey guys,

So, a few things have come up over this week. One is that my house needs a new roof (like really bad). It looks like insurance is going to cover that, but my deductible is $2000 bucks. On top of that, we also had to come out of pocket on a repair to my wife's Camaro recently that has left us... well, we're broke LOL. There's no nice way to say it. With that said, I've had to cut off all of my subscriptions to modders and a few of my favorite devs to save up as much as possible from coming out of what I make on Patreon. Essentially, I need every cent I can get for a little while. If I was your patron, I'm sorry I had to stop. I'm sure you understand and know that I'll be back when my ship is upright again.

As for development for this week, I've had to spend some time doing other things and haven't spent as much on LH as I would like. But I am doing as much as I can each day. I try to at least get something done on it every single day no matter what has been going on so that I don't have any more days with zero progress. But these things happen. Last week I was able to put quite a few hours into it. This week it just didn't work out the same way.

Now, that doesn't mean the release will get pushed back for months again. Nothing like that. it just means it may be pushed back one week. And bright side, I am VERY close to finishing up. I only have roughly 300 images left to go. I should get a lot done tonight, tomorrow night, and all of Friday plus the weekend. So that may make up for it.

Anyway, just wanted to post a quick note. Hopefully this insurance company doesn't screw me out of getting my roof fixed (again). Bastards take your money but always have some reason not to help you when you need it most. 



I just wish I could help you financially, but I am not well paid and my family like yours has to come first, so I fully understand. I will still continue to be here :) Take care of what you need to, we'll still be here


Don't stress on that. You are just as important to me as a paying patron. Take care of that family <3


Just made an extra donation through itch. It's probably peanuts compared to what you have to pay for but I hope it still helps <3