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Happy Friday! Well, I've somehow gotten back into my normal workflow in the midst of my full-time job bullshit and other outside interference. I can happily announce that I have about 70% of the rendering completed for episode 3. I am now starting on scene 11 (of 16) which is (spoiler alert) a nice event with Natalie. It would be really nice to have this update completed for an end-of-month release. But that is just one week away now and I feel like there is about 2 weeks worth of work left to do. Aside from completing the images, there is also choosing and adding in music in the right places and my own play through the finished product to proofread and check for any issues.

In my last big post, I'd mentioned that I was planning to do 2 Serenity updates once this LH update was released. But I received a lot of feedback from many of you saying I should just go back to 'taking turns' on them so you guys won't be waiting so long for the next LH update. That makes sense to me, so that is the plan moving forward. The holdup on doing the last Serenity update (for those who missed it) was that I was very unhappy with how I'd written it and scrapped the episode completely. That means that I still need to rewrite it, even before starting on the rendering process. I have already written some of it and have a good idea of the direction I want to take it. If you didn't read this post, there are a lot more details about the changes coming to Serenity here: LH Devlog 11 plus: Future of Serenity Chapter 2 

Not to beat a dead horse, but my last release was back in February. I've never gone this long without having something to release. And I hope to never go this long again. But through the last 7 months, I am stunned that so many patrons have stuck around. I am hopeful that after this release, I can get back to my 2 - 3 month release schedule. If I can ever get an episode ahead on the writing (for both projects), that may reduce development time a bit. After these past months and all the full-time job craziness and other crap, I am definitely taking a 2-week break once LH EP3 is out... Some time to myself to play some of my friends' games. Once the computer upgrades are done at my full-time job, I've got a week's vacation to take. I will spend that week chilling and finish writing Serenity's update. I always have so much to do and so little time LMAO!

Anyway, I wanted to say again that I appreciate you guys sticking around. That includes the non-patrons who continue to follow my projects. LH EP3 should be a great update, but I can't wait to get back to the fade again. We're getting close! Hang in there!

Love you all, ...Fire




Sounds like a plan and as a former network enginerd, I understand the work issues. I was once send to a bank for a complete tech replacement. Servers, computers and printers. Suppose to be three person job turned solo. Do what you need to do, work, break ect and have fun.

Aj Whitacre

Don't sweat it Fire we can wait for when they are released your one person making two AVN and working full time we stay with you cause we all know your work is top notch as always you kick ass fire


I love your work. I upped my sub to Fade Angel and paid annually to help ya out. I dont sub to very many or pay that kinda scratch. I feel your pain. few months back my son Needed surgery. It wiped out what wiggle room I had for a while. I had to cancel nearly everything just to stay above water.