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Hey everyone!

So... to catch you guys up (this past week's devlog was for patrons), just wanted to let everyone know how close I am to releasing episode 2.

As it stands right now, I have about 100 images left to render (the last scene in the episode). I can normally knock those out in a day and a half. But, I ended up having a huge project dropped on me in my full time IT job. So that has put a little damper on things. However, I still think I should be able to start releasing to the crown and dream angel tiers by this weekend. Once those last few renders are done, I still have to choose and place my music and do a final read-through. The good news is that the last animation I had is done, and the new set for the last scene is also done. All I have to do is pose characters in the new sets to go along with the dialogue. It's a bit more complicated because I need to create almost 2 sets of images for these scenes. There is some 'ship to ship' conversation with "on screen" visuals as well. I could have just done the scenes on each ship as they talk, but I like the realism (even though its science fiction) of them talking between people on different ships with 'on screen' images.

(Spoiler section) What's coming up in Episode 2: Mike and his harem (crew) were to check out the planet Nexus as a sort of 'shake down' for the ship and crew. This will be a very brief visit and they discover a couple of interesting things there. Mike decides to return to Pantheria, feeling the importance of rebuilding the Pantherian starbase for the security of the planet before he leaves them to explore the rest of the system. This episode has a major focus on Alexis and Mike's relationship. He'll learn more about her and her personal life, and meet several new interesting girls along the way. The first 'major' event will begin in this episode, and continue into episode 3. People who complained about things being resolved so quickly in Serenity... well, that shouldn't be an issue here. The episode ends with Mike finding out the Queen and the rest of the girls haven't told him something important. So yeah, it will end on a sort-of cliffhanger. I don't like doing that usually and I don't have plans for it to happen often. But you'll understand better when you see for yourselves. ;)

(No more spoilers) Quality of graphics and writing: I've been at this almost 4 years now and well... I still find myself learning new shit with every release. I'm still not as good as the "big devs" out there, but hopefully I'm making progress. It's hard to tell when its your own work. I can only put myself out there and see what comes back to me. I get a lot of comments and praise from people and that definitely helps. The criticism helps also, as long as they aren't being a dick about it. But I truly hope people enjoy what I'm producing here because I love doing this. And I have stories to tell (plenty more after Serenity and Last Human for sure). Your support, whether by subbing or just following and leaving nice comments and reviews is extremely nice. I am grateful for that positive feedback.

Anyway, before I get too mushy here (I've been accused by some that I'm the 'sweet dev' LOL)... I'll close this and get back to work. I had to work at the office today, so I can't work on the game until tonight (ugh!)

I love you all, really. I mean it when I close with that. Stay tuned for the release schedule coming real soon.





When you stop learning you stagnate, so learning is good. But all in all, love the results of your endeavor.