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Happy Friday everyone!

This week's devlog is a special one just for patrons. Check out the preview images and read on (there may be spoilers ahead, but I'll try to keep them small). You'll see a lot of Alexis in those screens, which shouldn't be a surprise to you considering this episode is mostly focused on her.

Alright, first let's get the big question out of the way... when is it coming? I realize having to wait so long between episodes really SUCKS. I hate it when I have to wait for updates to my favorite AVNs also! Unfortunately, that's just how things are with developing. Hopefully your patience will be served well by the work I've put into this episode and the way this story is going to unfold going forward. I really pushed hard to try and give you a great, engaging story, sexy Nekos, and beautiful scenes. There are a LOT of practically 'made from scratch' scenes I've built here. Or, what I like to call 'sets'. A lot more animations (not just sex animations). I used animations where I thought they would be cool and would fit the scenario. But anyway, the release... I have literally 2 scenes left to render out. Well, 2 and a half since there is a short one in between those. I knocked out a LOT of graphics this week, leaving myself a good chance to finish the rest over this weekend. The final scene might be the toughest one; I do have some custom set work to do for it which takes the longest. So here's what I can say for sure: I am very confident I can release this within one week (by next weekend). Depends on how picky I get with the music, haha! Depending on how much I can get done this weekend, it could even be earlier.

With that out of the way, let's talk about custom renders. They're coming! I've just been more focused on getting this episode completed. But once that is out of the way and I take some time off between this update, and work on the next Serenity episode, I'll be pounding out some new special patron-only CG's. In fact, after this release, I'll be putting up a poll soon to vote on a character (or characterS) to focus on.

There are a few aesthetic changes from episode 1 to episode 2 I wanted to make known. First, the Acladeans. In episode 1, the Aurora was fired on by Acladean rebels, and Aury answered by destroying them using Aurora's deck lasers. In the scene where they try talking to the rebels (on screen), the models I used for them weren't really what I wanted. But I used them to get the scene done. Eventually, I'll go back and redo those with the new models I've created myself that look much more the way I wanted. The other change is planets. Since I began LH, I had been buying and importing assets I could use. But never could find planets that actually look like planets. Late in episode 2 development (literally last week), I managed to get the ones I really wanted. They look a lot more realistic, even have atmospheres that are animated (which doesn't matter for static images, but still they look WAY better!). Anyway, instead of going and redoing all of those images now (and pushing back this release even longer), I'll address those changes during the episode 3 development.

That's all for now. Time to get back to work for you guys. I'll post again soon, hopefully with the finalized release schedule!

Love you all, ...Fire




Sounds like work, way more work than I want to do. But on the other hand it sounds great and waiting to redo stuff until the next episode sounds good. Just remember to take breaks.


Keep doing what you do, You create what you imagine what you see for particular character's and sets. Also have to say looking good with the girls and with that i think we need a special render of Alexis to slide right along with Rin


I know some devs use the program called universe. it has a lot of realisitic planets in it, and it seems if you contact the developer he will allow you to use the images of the plants. I think it's just basically a tour the universe thing, it isn't a game, it's just a basic education software I think. One thing I have always wondered, was where did you get the inspiration, or how do you manage to make the episodes? I guess that came out wrong I think lol. When you have characters and scenes and your writing their dialogue how do you actually write for the characters without getting distracted on something else you want to design for the game? I would love to get into something like this, but I think I would completely run out of things for the characters to say to each other and keep the story going without it getting rubbish or abandoned? Sorry if I am bein nosey, of course you have the right not tell me anything. The more I see your work, the more I want to create an vn too. I have zero experience in anything vn related, no experience in coding or anything. I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I think if I started reading renpy instruction manual I would probably i die of absolute boredom hehe. any suggestions would be greatfully received. I am really looking forward to the next chapter of LH. I love the story, and the characters have quickly grown on me, I think I may have said this before. I hope you and your family are well, best wishes! P.S the CG's look fantastic! thanks for posting the images :)


First let me just say, there is NOTHING easy about doing this. In fact, the more you learn and the longer you do this, the harder it gets because you start getting picky. That is where I'm at now. Writing the story and dialogue without getting lost isn't an issue for me. I prewrite the story before hand separately before I start doing anything else. I read it back to myself no less than what seems like 90 times to make sure it sounds right. Know this... if you decide to do this (not trying to discourage you in any way) be prepared to learn most of it on your own. Devs are mostly nice people but we're way too busy to stop and teach someone how to do this. I was really lucky to have Cryoxxx helping me out and teaching me things early on. And there is not just game development. There is also all the PR work you have to do. Patreon, SS, sites like f95, itch, etc... You have to keep everyone updated and give them previews and info about what you're doing or they'll think you're just messing around. That's why I am one of the more vocal and approachable devs. Some may not even answer your messages - but it is NOT always because they're ignoring you.


If you want to learn, I suggest looking at things like skillshare and other sites like that to learn. Even some colleges offer online course in programming and art. Just a suggestion before you start and possible get into more than you can handle. I know a few devs that have hired people just to do the PR for them so they can focus on the game.


Hi N2 and DeadMan thanks for your suggestions and advice. It was just a thought of mine to make one of these vn games, because every day i see a brand new vn at the beginning of it's life on some sites. At first I was thinking, maybe I could get a team together, and try to create something. With myself as the creative element behind the vn / game, but even that just seems too complicated. Maybe I should just look into things like daz3d and hs1 and hs2 to see if I can learn to render. Then learn how to program in renpy, something really basic for my time. I think in reality it's probably all beyond me without any experience. I think you have to be very talented to make games like this, and even more talented to be like you N2 which I would never be. I will take a look at renpy and try a couple of lessons. Getting advice when you don't know anyone in this business and the fact most devs wouldn't give the time of day anyway, which is fair enough, since they are probably busy in making their games. When I wrote all of this, I kind of realize now, the impossibility of it, without spending maybe a couple of years trying to research and learn different things i need to do to create a game. Someone suggested koikatsu or something, which apparently doesn't require much or any programing skills, but I am unsure which graphics I would even use if I did make a game. I better shut up now, I have wasted enough of everyone's time. Thanks for the advice though :)


Well, being creative is the first requirement you need in order to do this, so you're already that far. But the second (and maybe most challenging) is having the willpower to learn by yourself. Before you start making a VN, spend a year getting good with HS (or HS2, which is what I use).